062 Throw the Money in Her Face_1

Xia Zhisu truly found it laughable, "I earn my own money, it's not your place to manage!"


"Sorry, I have to work! Shaoheng, you should go back and keep the young lady in your room company! Don't worry, I won't tell Danny! Because I'm afraid it would make Danny sad!" Xia Zhisu walked away from him.

Ou Shaoheng grabbed her hand and yanked her back.

Xia Zhisu staggered, and the pain in her foot made her instinctively bend down to touch it, crying out in pain.

"What's wrong with your foot!" Ou Shaoheng also noticed that Xia Zhisu's foot was injured.

"Let me go! What does my foot have to do with you!" Xia Zhisu shook him off.

Ou Shaoheng held on to her and wouldn't let go, squatting down to take a look, he saw her ankle was red and swollen, obviously sprained.

"You're still coming to work even with an injury like this! Are you stupid!" Ou Shaoheng got up and cursed, "Xia Zhisu have you become fixated on money! For money's sake, you don't even care about your own body!"