101 dares to call me again after hanging up on me_1

So there's absolutely no way money can buy her!

Then what method should be used?

Seeing Ling Tian'ao place his fingers on his temples, deep in thought with a furrowed brow, the butler was simply speechless with astonishment!

The young master seems to be in a bad mood, making all the servants scared out of their wits!

It turns out it's all because of a woman!

The butler found it even more unbelievable. Just what kind of woman could give the young master such a headache?

Could it be his fiancée, Miss Lanlan?

As Ling Tian'ao pondered, his phone suddenly rang. He thought it was that woman Xia Zhisu calling him back!

He answered immediately!

"What's the matter, you want a kiss goodbye from me?" Ling Tian'ao teased.

The voice on the other end fell silent for a long while before cautiously saying, "Tian'ao! What are you talking about!"


That damn woman would never call him that!

Upon checking the number, Ling Tian'ao frowned. It turned out to be Xiao Lanlan!