158 I am Ling's girlfriend ahhhh_1

"Then I'll repeat it one more time, say it, who am I to you?" Ling Tian'ao smirked evilly as he said.

"Ling Tian'ao, those are real guns! This is not a joke! Can we please stop playing?" Xia Zhisu pleaded.

"You're clearly not understanding the situation here, these men are my father's men. The car accident you caused almost killed me, and my father will not allow anyone who hurts me to live. If you acknowledge who I am now, I can consider sparing your life," Ling Tian'ao watched Xia Zhisu get anxious.

Xia Zhisu looked at the barrels of the guns, feeling like the moment she failed to acknowledge them, bullets would instantly fly out.

"Ling Tian'ao is my boyfriend!!!" Xia Zhisu yelled out.

This woman must be crazy! Could she really be the young master's woman?

Xia Zhisu also felt like she was insane, like a monkey being made to perform!

"Are you satisfied now!" Xia Zhisu said through gritted teeth to the phone.