How can you look around blindly_1

He pulled out a box of chocolates from behind.

Xia Zhisu was stunned.

The classmates who came with Meng Jian immediately started making a stir, "Say yes! Say yes!!"

From what I remember, Meng Jian wasn't much of a talker, but with his delicate features and a height of 180 cm, he was said to be the hunk of their major.

As soon as word got out about the confession, many people quickly gathered to watch.

Seeing Xia Zhisu, quite a few people recognized her.

"Isn't that Xia something! Doesn't she have a tall, rich, and handsome boyfriend!" a voice came from the crowd.

"Right! Right! She has a boyfriend! The campus hunk, no less! To court her! I never heard of Xia Zhisu before, but she's become quite famous lately!" the onlookers discussed among themselves.

The campus hunk, Meng Jian, also heard it, implying Xia Zhisu had a boyfriend.

And that she was dating a rich guy.

But Meng Jian didn't believe it; he had been secretly observing Xia Zhisu for years.