210 How come it's gone_1

"Don't forget, you have a fiancée!"

"I've also said, don't you dare mention the word fiancée in front of me! Besides, Xia Zhisu, you've already agreed to behave and obey me from now on! Don't think that just because you've graduated, I can't do anything to you!" It was another blatant threat.

Xia Zhisu sighed; she really didn't want to say much to him.

She squeezed past his men and started walking towards the outside of the orphanage.

"Xia Zhisu! Why are you walking so fast! Don't you know my leg is injured!" Ling Tian'ao could walk, but slowly.

Seeing that Ling Tian'ao was struggling to keep up, Xia Zhisu ran even faster!

Ling Tian'ao guessed right, she had graduated, and he had no hold over her!

If not now, then when?

Just as she turned the corner, Xia Zhisu started to smell a pungent odor.

Her vision started to swirl, and she leaned against the walls of the alley.

Suddenly, someone covered her mouth.