Chapter 9: Secretly Loving Someone 9_1

"Oh... I'll go to my room and get you a set of pajamas." Chen Yiran's voice paused, and then he continued, "I only have my own, so they might be too big for you. You can roll up the sleeves."

"But..." Tianxin hesitated for a moment before the words finally slipped out of her mouth uneasily, "But I didn't bring any underw...ear..."

Suddenly, there was a pause outside the bathroom.

Wrapped in a bath towel, Tianxin nervously stared at the door. Chen Yiran was just beyond it, but not a sound was coming from him.

Was he... angry? Would he make her leave... or... was he just as unsure of what to do?

Tianxin's mind was filled with wild thoughts, and for a moment she didn't dare say anything more.

"I see."

After a long silence, Chen Yiran sighed softly, addressing Tianxin in the bathroom, "I'll go buy it for you."

"What...?" Tianxin was taken aback. Was this... alright?

"You can carry on with your shower. I'll be back shortly." Chen Yiran resignedly grabbed his jacket and headed out.

"Oh... okay..." Tianxin instinctively nodded, her face burning in embarrassment. She crouched down in the bathroom.

Yiran was going to buy her underwear!!?? Oh my... So embarrassing...

Chen Yiran took the elevator directly to the first floor. As he was leaving the apartment lobby, the manager looked up at him and casually said, "Mr. Chen, heading out?"

"Um..." Chen Yiran nodded slightly, casually replying, "Just going grab something."

"I saw your sister earlier. She's quite cute, especially her eyes. Looks a lot like you," the manager said with a grin.

"..." Chen Yiran was taken aback, nodded at the man, unsure of what to reply, and headed straight out of the apartment.

Did that girl look like him?

Chen Yiran laughed and shook his head. People sure knew how to talk these days.

At the end of the street below the apartments, there was a lingerie shop, its colorful neon lights gleaming in the night.

Chen Yiran hesitated for a moment, but eventually, he steeled himself and entered.

Just as Su Xiaoyu was preparing to close the shop for the night due to the late hour and sporadic drizzle outside, a tall man with fair skin and handsome features entered.

At a guess, his height would be at least 1.8 meters. He was dressed in casual black sports pants with a fitted white T-shirt and a black sweater jacket, a refreshing and approachable look.

Su Xiaoyu hurriedly put on a smile and approached him, asking, "Handsome, looking to buy panties?? For your girlfriend??"