Chapter 12: Secretly Loving Someone 12_1

"Oh..." Tianxin drew her head back in, hesitated for a moment, but still put on Chen Yiran's pajamas.

By the time she stepped out of the bathroom in her new sleepwear, Chen Yiran looked up, and couldn't help but laugh.

His pajamas were way too big on her.

She had rolled up the trouser legs and sleeves multiple times and the hem of the shirt reached her knees, almost like a dress.

There she stood, barefoot with her fair little feet, timidly in front of him. The neckline was so loose that it was about to reveal her smooth, round shoulders.

Chen Yiran's eyes dimmed slightly. After a moment of distraction, he slowly stood up from the sofa, walked over to Tianxin, and elegantly adjusted her slipping neckline. Furrowing his brow, he murmured, "This outfit is too big for you..."

Not just too big... It was enormously big!

Tianxin muttered in her heart, not daring to voice out her thoughts. She was standing there, unclothed underneath—she wasn't even wearing any underwear. Not wearing underwear really did make her feel insecure...

"Go to sleep, the room next door is a guest room. It's been prepared for you, and the bedding is new." Seeing Tianxin's embarrassed look, Chen Yiran thought she was shy, so he pointed to the guestroom, urging her to go rest.

"Okay... But..." Tianxin glance towards the washing machine on the living room balcony. Her new underwear that Yiran had bought for her should be in there, shouldn't it?

"Hmm??" Following Tianxin's gaze, Chen Yiran immediately understood. He thought for a moment and said softly, "It will probably take another hour to dry. You should go rest in your room, I'll bring them to you when they're ready."

"Are you not going to sleep, Yiran?" Tianxin turned to the clock on the living room wall. It was almost ten o'clock.

"No." Chen Yiran replied casually, "I spent the entire day lying in bed. I already feel much better after taking my medication and having dinner. There's still some work for me to do; you go rest."

"Oh... Alright..." Tianxin nodded, picked up her backpack, and went to the guest room.

Seeing her leave in his pajamas, Chen Yiran couldn't help but let out a sigh.

As soon as Tianxin entered the guestroom, she dropped her backpack on the floor, rummaged through it and finally found her phone hidden behind a maths workbook.

She turned on her phone, searched for Shen Xin in her contacts, and without hesitation, dialed his number.