Chapter 39 Best Man and Maid of Honor 9_1

In that moment, Tianxin feels like the whole world has come to a standstill. All the noise that was buzzing in her ears vanishes abruptly. Every smile, every move made by Chen Yiran seems to be in slow motion, tugging gently at her heartstrings.

She watches him greet the people around him with a smile. He pulls the groom's arm to get him to move aside a little. The next moment, as he looks up, his gaze finally intertwines with hers in the air.

She notices the obvious surprise and uncertainty in his eyes. Then, in that tranquil world, his cold voice finally shatters the silence, sounding slightly confused, "Tianxin?"

"Brother Yiran!" Tianxin's eyes squint into happy crescents, her lips curving upward uncontrollably. She gazes at him joyfully, her voice hinting at anticipation and excitement.

"I almost didn't recognize you." Chen Yiran smiles at her, then hesitantly asks, "Is this..."