Chapter 55 Tianxin's Confession13_1

The lights in the hall had already dimmed, leaving only a spotlight on the bride and groom. Yet for some reason, she could still spot him accurately in the crowd.

He was like a twinkling star in the limitless universe—even standing in darkness, he still radiated a light that was uniquely his own.

Chen Yiran felt as though someone was staring at him from within the darkness. He briefly lifted his head, diverting his gaze from the bride and groom, to glance towards the other side of the aisle. His eyes met with Tianxin's for just a moment, and he saw her quickly turn her head away. Was this child showing him an attitude?

The entire wedding progressed smoothly; from the vows of the bride and groom, to the blessings from both parents, and finally when the bride threw her bouquet. Tianxin hesitated for a moment but remained where she stood. She was only sixteen, what would catching the bouquet mean for her? Could she really be the next one to get married?