Chapter 63 Love Begins from Being a Rogue 7_1

Tianxin and Shen Xin suddenly stiffened, both turning their heads to look back at their seats, only to see Su Yue looking somewhat embarrassed at them, stammering, "Um... Good morning, Tianxin... And you too, Shen Xin."

"Morning!" Tianxin and Shen Xin greeted Su Yue in unison, then immediately turned around, huddling together and whispering in discussion.

Shen Xin: "Tianxin, did you notice that Su Yue is so clean-cut, tall, handsome, and brilliant? There are many girls in our class secretly crushing on him. Now that your confession has failed, perhaps you should consider another target?"

Tianxin: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Shen Xin: "I'm not joking. Haven't you noticed that Su Yue likes you? The first thing he does every day when he enters the classroom is to greet you."

Tianxin: "Well, he also says hello to you."

Shen Xin: "Duh, haven't you noticed that he always greets you first before me? That proves that you're number one in his heart."