Chapter 167 Do You Like Me A Little 6_1

Chen Yiran just stood quietly by the side of the hospital bed, watching Tianxin's face filled with frustration, a beautiful smile covertly curving on his lips.

The winter night had already deepened, the ceiling lights in the hospital corridor had been turned off, leaving only the dim glow of the directional lights.

Suddenly, the room fell silent.

Tianxin had been in a coma all day and was not sleepy after waking up in the middle of the night. She looked at Chen Yiran's face, clearly showing signs of fatigue, and finally couldn't help but say:

"Yiran, you look quite tired. Why don't you get some rest?"

Chen Yiran quickly masked the fatigue in his deep eyes. He smiled at Tianxin, walked around the room, poured a cup of water and held it out to her, asking instead of answering:

"Would you like some water?"