Chapter 177: Tonight, a date? 6_1

Chen Yiran looked at the doctor in a disinterested manner, his voice cool, "Do you have a lot of free time today? Enough to concern yourself with your patient's love life."

The doctor gave a short laugh, shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I'm not interested in my patient's love life, but in my old classmate's love life. So, how about it? Is this young lady your sister in a medical sense or your sister in a legal sense?"

Chen Yiran was somewhat speechless. He picked up an apple from the bedside table and shoved it into the doctor's hand. As he pushed him out the door, Chen Yiran said, "Neither. Ok, you can go round your patients now."

"Hey, hey, I wasn't finished..." The doctor's voice gradually faded away in the corridor.

Tianxin sat on her hospital bed, watching as the ward emptied instantaneously. The events of the world felt so bizarre and changeable, too fast for her to respond to.

After a while, Chen Yiran returned.