Chapter 185: Tonight, a date? 14_1

No sooner had he finished speaking than he closed the folder, turned around and left the sickroom without a second glance.

Tianxin turned to look at Chen Yiran, then at the silhouette vanishing in the doorway, and finally couldn't help but cautiously ask, "Did I perhaps... joke a bit too much earlier?"

"Not at all." Chen Yiran's lips curled into a smile; his voice was warm and soothing, "Back when we were in school, I teased him a lot more."

"Oh..." Tianxin nodded thoughtfully and couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for the doctor.

Looking back at the candy boxes on her quilt, Tianxin gathered them all and tucked them into the bedside cabinet drawer. She didn't want to be misunderstood if a nurse saw them during rounds in the morning.

So, what Chen Yiran meant by 'tonight,' was this?

So, this was what he meant...

Tianxin finally let out a long sigh of relief.