Chapter 183: Tonight, a date? 12_1

Chen Yiran's face showed a hint of surprise, a pair of intense, dark eyes glancing at the mischievous look in Tianxin's eyes. He couldn't help but smile inwardly. This guy, he probably wants to vent his frustration on the doctor.

Well... It wouldn't harm him, why not have some fun?

Chen Yiran continued to smile at the doctor with a calm face, and spoke in a nonchalant tone:

"It's okay, we're all adults here, go ahead and answer her."


The doctor was embarrassed. That was just a pretext I used to comfort your wife, okay!?

Who wants to discuss this sort of thing with such a half-grown girl?? Only you, this beast, could be so cruel, right!?


Tianxin saw him silent for a long time, busy wiping the sweat from his forehead, she couldn't help but to call out to him again: