Chapter 233 The Matters of the Heart You Don't Know About 2_1

The dim light outlined his perfect silhouette. On his fair face as clear as jade, his black, inscrutable eyes dimmed slightly upon seeing Tianxin. His thin lips perked up slightly, and his long legs stepped towards Tianxin.

Tianxin felt her heart thumping uncontrollably, an indescribable feeling arose within her. She was torn between fearing that Chen Yiran might misunderstand her and secretly hoping that he would.

Chen Yiran walked in front of Tianxin and Su Yue, standing tall; his lanky figure seemed rather lonely in the night.

His deep-set eyes glanced over Su Yue's face, landing on Tianxin. His thin lips then slightly opened as he asked in a low voice, "You're back?"

"Um..." Tianxin blinked and stared at Chen Yiran's emotionless expression, she softly responded, then hesitated before she asked, "Why are you here?"

"Waiting for you."

Chen Yiran responded indifferently, and then fell silent.