Chapter 249 When Love Begins 8_1

After repeated attempts, Chen Yiran finally took out his phone in resignation and put it on the table, telling Tianxin, "Here you go."

"Hehe." Tianxin smirked at Chen Yiran, pretending to be surprised, "Oh, brother Yiran, you brought your phone with you? So that was your phone ringing when I called earlier."

Chen Yiran rolled his eyes at Tianxin without saying a word.

Tianxin continued to laugh. She put her own phone back in her bag and took Chen Yiran's phone, only to find that she had to enter a password to unlock it.

Looking somewhat bewildered, she looked up at Chen Yiran and asked for the password with her eyes.

Chen Yiran looked deeply into her eyes, took some food from the table, and while eating he told her, "Guess it."

"I'll guess then..." Tianxin grumbled a bit. She tried Chen Yiran's birthday first, but the password was incorrect.

His password is not his birthday??