Chapter 6: Return to 18 - Part 2_1

"Dongxue, she's your sister-in-law, you're not allowed to speak ill of her!" He Zhongguo reprimanded He Dongxue, then turned to He Teng, "Before, Zhilan was young and naive, you need to be more patient with her, don't always be angry with her, she will grow up."

"Young? What youth? She's two months older than me, still young my arse!" He Dongxue retorted, "Dad, I'm even younger than her, have you seen me behaving like her? Brother, don't bother with her. I'm telling you, you shouldn't have married her in the first place. Our family raised her until she was eighteen, we can already be considered as her benefactor. But her return? Causing us troubles! It feels like she's treating us as enemies."

He Dongxue was in high school, although she was in the same grade as Zhilan, she was a year behind. When she first started grade one, she couldn't keep up and had to repeat a year.

In the village, many people said she was lucky, the He Family had a daughter-in-law who was exceptionally good at studies, with He Zhilan tutoring her all day, it was no surprise her grades were also good.

Every time she heard people say this, He Dongxue felt like vomiting blood. He Zhilan, in their house, barely spoke to the family, let alone tutoring her. From childhood to adulthood, she never once received help from He Zhilan!

"Dongxue!" He Zhongguo looked at his daughter with a slight headache and sighed, "You should focus on your studies. Your sister-in-law has graduated, and you are about to enter your senior year of high school soon. Your sister-in-law's grades are good, she got into Capital University, you need to work hard and not disgrace her."

"What does her performance have to do with me? Even if I fail, it's none of her business! Moreover, we don't have money at home, can we afford to send her to college? Didn't my brother say that he wouldn't let her go to college?" He Dongxue rolled her eyes.

"Did you take your brother's words to heart?" He Zhongguo laughed, but his laughter was mixed with a hint of sorrow. The He Family was poor; that was a fact.

The He Family had always been poor. When the children were young and still in school, the He family had accumulated a large amount of debt. He Teng didn't earn much when he first joined the military, and it was not until after He Da graduated from middle school and began to work that he and He Teng's salaries were combined to pay off the debt.

Strangely, He Da had been out of touch these past few years, as if he had vanished from the face of the earth. He Zhongguo had spent a lot of money and effort trying to find him, but to no avail.

As a result, the He Family got into debt again. And now, He Dongxue was still in high school, and He Zhilan was about to start college, both required a lot of money. But the He Family, they were truly broke.

"Dad, I'm not joking. He Zhilan is an ingratitude. There's no need to waste money on her. Since I'm already married to her, if she doesn't want to work, let her stay at home and work in the fields. Let Dongxue go to school instead." He Teng suddenly spoke. His face, although it was summer, was cold as ice. There was an even stronger sense of chill when he mentioned He Zhilan.

"See, Dad, even my brother is saying it!" He Dongxue exclaimed. She was really infuriated out of her mind just now. Why was it always her who had to sacrifice for He Zhilan?

He Zhongguo, however, shook his head and lowered his voice, "She's young and thoughtless. Are you two really to take everything to heart with her? Look, isn't she starting to understand now? She's even apologized to me just now. She's a good student and has been accepted into Capital University. She's the first one in our county. We should scrap everything together to send her to school. Dongxue, your father was thinking about letting you stay at home for a year or two, let your sister-in-law go to college first. Once the household is better off, you can continue your high school. By that time, your sister-in-law will have graduated and can work. Then we can continue to finance your studies."