Chapter 8: Regret and Realization2_1

The old hen of the He family was a bit old and a bit peculiar. While other people's hens laid eggs every day, the He family's hen laid eggs depending on her mood. When she was in a good mood, she would lay an egg a day. When she was in a bad mood, she wouldn't lay an egg for several days.

"Zhilan, there isn't much good food in the house to nourish your body. You've just been sick. The hen has been laying eggs these past days; you should eat them while they're fresh to strengthen yourself," He Zhongguo placed a bowl of stewed eggs directly in front of He Zhilan.

He Dongxue sat down with a humph, clearly dissatisfied.

A warmth surged in He Zhilan's heart, reminding her of her past life. She had always taken it for granted that eating these things was her due, a debt that the He family owed her. If it weren't for the He family, she would still be enjoying the good life with her biological parents.

But now, the reborn He Zhilan was no longer so unreasonable.

"Dad, my illness has recovered, I don't need to nourish myself anymore," He Zhilan pushed the bowl to He Dongxue, saying, "Dongxue is still going to school and will soon be in her senior year, let her nourish her body."

This action of He Zhilan left the three people at the table stunned, especially He Dongxue, who looked at the egg stew in front of her with a face of disbelief, as if she had seen a ghost.

"It's like seeing the sun rise in the west!" He Dongxue muttered without touching the food.

He Teng fixed his deep gaze on He Zhilan's body, then said, "Dongxue, since she said so, just eat it."

"I'm not some frail young lady! I eat well and dress warmly every day. What needs nourishing? Reading every day is still reading," He Dongxue stood up, divided the stewed egg into two halves, gave one half to He Teng and one half to He Zhongguo, saying, "Brother must be working hard and not eating well in the army, so he should eat half. Dad has been taking care of her and working harder than anyone else these past few days. He needs to strengthen himself too!"

At this point, He Zhilan's face burned. She had to admit, He Dongxue, who was two months younger than her, was more sensible and filial than her.

He Zhilan felt as if she had been slapped hard by someone. She didn't speak for the rest of the meal. After dinner, she volunteered to help He Dongxue clean up the dishes, but He Dongxue avoided her without showing any appreciation.

Driven out of the kitchen by He Dongxue, He Zhilan walked awkwardly to the courtyard, not expecting to overhear He Zhongguo and He Teng talking.

"Ateng, you and Zhilan are married now. Zhilan wasn't sensible before, but you see, she's becoming more sensible now. Stop being stubborn with her. Which couple always sleep in separate rooms? I've moved your stuff into the room where you and she were married, and I've locked He Da's room," He Zhongguo said.

"Dad... I'm really annoyed with her," He Teng replied.

"What kind of words are those! She's young and not sensible, but you're already 27. Are you also not sensible? You're nine years older than her. Don't you know to be a little more accommodating?" He Zhongguo had his stubborn moments. "I've locked He Da's room for good. I'm still hoping for the day he'll come back. How could I let you occupy his room?"

"I'll sleep here for a while," said He Teng after a pause. "Dad, I've thought about it. If she's not willing, let's just divorce. Going forward, she can do whatever she wants, remembering or forgetting the kindness of the He family. It's up to her. The He family has raised her for twelve years. We don't expect her to have a conscience."

A little dazed, He Zhilan avoided the courtyard and went back to her own room. After that, she only heard He Zhongguo angrily scolding He Teng in low voices, but she didn't hear if He Teng responded. However, she knew that He Zhongguo would never allow He Teng to divorce her.