Chapter 16 I Want to Go to College 6_1

He Zhilan didn't explain to He Dongxue. He Dongxue isn't her and naturally wouldn't understand how much she missed her birth parents. She was the only child of her parents. Without her, they must be heartbroken.

However, she also knew that if she left the He Family for the sake of finding her biological parents, she would be too conscienceless.

He Dongxue was caught in a difficult predicament. She was extremely curious about what had happened before He Zhilan was kidnapped, in particular about her birth parents. Especially after finding out that He Zhilan's father was also a military man, her curiosity was piqued. But, on the other hand, she was irritated when He Zhilan mentioned her birth parents and looked sad. It seemed to He Dongxue that He Zhilan was a little callous.

This conversation spoiled He Dongxue's mood to be tutored by He Zhilan. Picking up her homework, she rose and left the room.

"Brother, why are you smoking in the yard?" As He Dongxue prepared to return to her room in a sullen mood, she noticed He Teng squatting in a corner of the yard smoking.

"Just cooling off." Knowing what second-hand smoke was, He Teng extinguished his cigarette when He Dongxue approached.

He Dongxue couldn't keep secrets. Having learned so much gossip from He Zhilan, she was eager to share it with someone. There was He Teng, her older brother and also He Zhilan's husband - the perfect confidant.

Consequently, leaning toward the ground just as He Teng did, she mysteriously said, "Brother, guess what He Zhilan's father did for a living!"

"Do you believe all the things she says?" He Teng replied with a nonchalant question.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" responded He Dongxue, "You haven't spent as much time with her as I have, so you don't know her as well. If she wants to trouble someone, she's straightforward and doesn't hide it. So although she can be annoying, she doesn't scheme."

He Teng snorted, but He Dongxue didn't understand what he meant. Seeing he was not interested in her topic, she rambled on by herself, "Brother, you'll never guess! He Zhilan, sorry, she should be called Gu Zhilan. Her father was also in the military, just like you!"

"Gu Zhilan?" Drifting off at the mention of this name, He Teng asked, "Did she tell you her real name is Gu Zhilan?"

"Yes! She said her father's last name is Gu and her mother's last name is Lan. Her name combines both. Brother, you don't still think she's lying to you, do you? I don't think so. A kidnapped person is a kidnapped person. She has no reason to lie! Also, when father took her to register for a household registration, didn't he say that 'Zhilan' was the name she chose and wrote herself? So, I think 'Zhilan' must have been her original name."

"Didn't you go to her for tutoring? How did she end up telling you all of these things?" diverting from the topic, He Teng stopped He Dongxue's desire to chatter absentmindedly.

"Don't you know my personality? Who would keep doing homework after hearing such a story? Of course, it's more significant to hear the story first!" He Dongxue stuck out her tongue.

"No wonder your grades never improve." He Teng disdainfully glanced at He Dongxue, whose facial expression indicated that she was not a bit ashamed. As her brother, he couldn't help He Dongxue with her studies. All he could do was give her a couple of reproachful remarks when he caught her being lazy.

Hearing He Teng's reprimand, He Dongxue sheepishly rose and moped. She was just about to go, but then she thought and squatted again.