Chapter 25 Aunt 7_1

Zhilan nodded, taking in all her aunt had said, "I understand, Auntie."

When discussing university, He Hongmei wished she could transfer all her past experiences directly into Zhilan's mind. Regardless of how unruly Zhilan had been at home, she was still their child. He Hongmei genuinely feared that Zhilan might be mistreated once she went out into the world.

She had experienced the same when attending university herself. Afterwards, during her second year, she got engaged. Fortunately, her in-laws treated her well and her husband cherished her. When she resumed her studies, they paid her tuition and living expenses, bought her many things, and spent a considerable amount of money to arrange for one of her lecturers to look after her, until she graduated safely.

So, after graduating with excellent grades, He Hongmei did not hesitate to decline offers to stay in the big city. Instead, she returned here to live her simple life.

Although many of her university peers have since become quite successful, driving luxury cars, living in grand mansions, frequenting high-end places, He Hongmei has no regrets for letting go of such opportunities back then.

Zhilan's grades are excellent. He Hongmei isn't worried that she'll waste her time at university, but when she thinks about Zhilan's temperament from childhood up to now, it truly concerns her. Whether Zhilan, once she experiences the glamour of the big city, will still decide to return here like she did back then, to He Teng's side, and become a dutiful wife.

She may worry, but that's a concern for many years in the future. Right now, Zhilan has been accepted into Capital University, and it brings them much pride. Zhilan seems to have changed so much that He Hongmei wouldn't discourage her from pursuing her education due to worries about the future.

At lunchtime, Liang Jing finally returned, bringing along a young girl. From Liang Jing's attitude, it seemed the arrival wasn't entirely welcome.

When Liang Jing walked through the door and saw the expression on He Teng's face, he laughed, "Big cousin! Long time no see! I wasn't home the last time you came!"

Without waiting for He Teng's response, Liang Jing's attention turned to Zhilan. In an instant his face changed, and he begrudgingly addressed Sister Zhilan.

"This child~" He Hongmei understood her daughter's thoughts fully, yet, it's not something she could influence. After all, everyone in the family used to dislike Zhilan. Her daughter's disapproval was understandable, "Remember to call her your cousin's wife and not sister Zhilan, they got married as soon as the school holiday started."

Liang Jing curled his lip in acknowledgment, then muttered to himself, "What a pity, a pearl cast before swine."

Everyone present knew who the 'pearl' and 'swine' referred to in Liang Jing's comment.

It's impossible for Zhilan not to feel embarrassed. Although she knew she was disliked in the past, to experience such explicit disapproval now felt awkward.

While at her aunt's house in the past, she was never as nasty to them as to her family, but she was not warm either. She barely visited her aunt's house. Even during holidays, when her aunt's family would come home to celebrate, Zhilan would avoid them. If she couldn't, she would sit silently, like a piece of wood, not making a sound or uttering a word.