Chapter 35 Enrollment 3_1

She and He Teng were legally married, newlyweds sharing a bed. If He Teng didn't make any moves, that would be unnatural.

Having waited for a while without any sign from him, He Zhilan felt a bit disheartened, thinking He Teng must genuinely be angry at her.

Otherwise, He Zhilan thought she wasn't unattractive, and there was no reason for He Teng to just leave his newlywed wife alone like this!

"Brother, let's talk." He Zhilan took the initiative to break the silence with the mindset that one should admit when they're in the wrong.

"Mm." He Teng responded as he always did, low and brief, and he didn't move his head.

"Did you hear what Liang Hong said to me at our aunt's house? I've been wanting to explain for the past few days, but haven't had the chance. The things Liang Hong said - that's her own thoughts. The life I want is not like she suggested. I feel very happy with how I'm currently living. Dad treats me well, so does aunt, and Dongxue is also very nice..."

After a pause, He Zhilan added, "Brother is also really good. Marrying him makes me very happy."

At these words, He Teng's closed eyes suddenly opened. He looked at He Zhilan sharply, as if trying to find traces of lies on her face.

He Teng thought, considering where they were, there was really no need for He Zhilan to keep pretending. Was she afraid, even considering they'd already arrived in the capital, he would send her back home and deny her the chance to study?

"Brother, on our wedding day, looking back, I feel like I acted like a real jerk. I'm sorry. Can we forget about how I behaved that day? Can I apologize for the harsh things I said about us, and take them back? Brother is so good, the best man in this world. Marrying you is a blessing I've earned over several lifetimes!"

Finally, He Teng began to realize the changes in He Zhilan. Could one night have caused her to suddenly come to her senses, as if she were a new person?

The He Zhilan now knew how to negotiate, to apologize, and to give thanks. These were virtues you never would have found in her before.

"Considering I'm nine years older than you, you don't think this old man isn't deserving of you?" He Teng asked coldly.

He Zhilan's face turned red. She, of course, remembered saying that on their wedding night.

He Zhilan shook her head, "It's just nine years. How is that old? Being older is better, like dad says, older men know how to take care of others, how to cherish them."

As He Zhilan spoke, her voice gradually became barely audible. If He Teng hadn't been so close, he might not have been able to hear her at all.

"Do you think I, a poor soldier, am not deserving of you, a college student?" This was the first time He Teng had ever been so confrontational, hurling back the words He Zhilan had uttered on their wedding night, verbatim.

"If anyone's undeserving, it's me. Brother is so good, and I'm such a jerk. As long as you don't despise me, it's fine~" He Zhilan almost buried her face in the bedding from embarrassment.

See, one should never speak hatefully. Now, she was hoisted with her own petard. She had no one else to blame but herself for He Teng throwing her words back at her and making her uncomfortable.

He Teng did not continue the conversation, yet, he didn't tear his gaze away from her, either.

This version of He Teng exuded an overwhelming presence. It took a great deal of effort for He Zhilan to meet his gaze but thankfully, he soon lowered his eyelids and ended this intimidating encounter.