Chapter 38 Enrollment 6_1

Sleepwear, underwear... Of course, it included panties.

He Zhilan isn't He Teng. Her face turned red with embarrassment, not daring to meet He Teng's eyes. She took her underwear and dived under the quilt to dress herself.

"You're about to leave the house, are you going to wear your sleepwear?" He Teng suddenly asked.

Caught in the action of dressing up in the quilt, He Zhilan paused. That's right, what was she doing wearing her pajamas?

Knowing that He Zhilan was feeling shy, He Teng announced that he would go to the communal bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Only when He Teng left did Zhilan get out of bed quickly. She picked out a dress that He Hongmei bought for her from town. The dress was a light-green color, its hem reaching her calves. The collar was adorned with two layers of lace, revealing her beautiful collarbones.

He Hongmei had a good eye for clothing. This dress did look extraordinarily refreshing on He Zhilan.

Tying her hair back casually, Zhilan picked up her toiletries and headed for the communal bathroom.

At this time, there was no one in the bathroom. As she stepped in, she saw He Teng bent over washing his face. She walked over and stood next to him, taking a cup of water to brush her teeth.

Upon hearing the sound of footsteps, He Teng knew it was He Zhilan. When he finished washing his face and stood upright, He Zhilan, clad in her light-green dress, was quietly brushing her teeth next to him.

She was looking down, her hair pinned to one side. In such a posture, her nape of the neck was visible to him, showing patches of faint marks on her fair skin.

He Teng's pupils narrowed, recognizing them as kiss marks he had left on her the night before. He had no recollection of the force he used last night. He had not expected that even after a night, such obvious marks remained on her. He thought, it must be because He Zhilan's delicate skin, unlike his rugged male skin, could bruise easily.

Thinking of that evening, a barely perceptible curl appeared at the corner of He Teng's mouth.

Last night was indeed a joyful one. The woman beneath him, who generously accepted his affection, made him somewhat reluctant to part so soon.

He never thought that the well-behaved He Zhilan would please him so much. She was like a freshly-weaned kitten mewling softly under him.

He Zhilan knew that He Teng was looking at her, but she, being easily embarrassed, didn't dare meet his gaze. She lowered her eyes, looking at his feet instead. He was wearing ordinary cloth shoes, bearing the traces of her accidental step when they got off the train. Although it wasn't too prominent, it was still apparent.

Just as He Zhilan was about to suggest that he wipe his shoes, she suddenly felt a tug on her hair, which she had bound up. And then, He Teng let her hair fall loosely over her shoulders.

"Hm?" Muddled, He Zhilan looked at He Teng with a toothbrush still in her mouth.

"Remember, don't tie up your hair these next few days," He Teng instructed.

He Zhilan tried to shake off the hair sticking to her mouth, but the frothy toothpaste kept it stuck. Even frantic shaking couldn't dislodge it. Her vigorous movements, instead, caused her hair to fall all over her face, now covered with a smudge of white toothpaste foam.

Even the usually stern He Teng couldn't resist a smile at this sight. Watching He Zhilan look at him with a face full of innocent helplessness, he took the initiative to comb her hair away from her face and asked her to bow her head. He then rinsed the toothpaste from her hair under the sink.