Chapter 40: Admissions 8_1

He Zhilan was somewhat taken aback, as she did not expect Ya Dan, like her, to be married.

Ya Dan was also somewhat excited, she had been standing at the school for quite a while and noticed that most of those who came to register were accompanied by their parents. She hardly saw any like her, let alone people who got married right after their senior year of high school. So, seeing that He Zhilan, like her, was also married, she felt a surge of desire to get to know and get close to He Zhilan. Perhaps this is a sort of kinship between married individuals.

Ya Dan and He Zhilan thus went from being strangers to being familiar with one another. They were truly destined to meet. Both got married after their senior year of high school, and remarkably, they even got married on the same day!

The first person to approach them was Ya Dan's husband, Ouyang. From a distance, he noticed that Ya Dan was chatting happily with a woman he'd met once in the hotel before. Ouyang greeted He Zhilan and said, "Seeing Dandan making friends the moment she arrived makes me feel at ease. Dandan is very sociable and lively. Xiaohe, if you find her too much, feel free to tell her. She's easygoing."

"Nonsense." He Zhilan smilingly retorted, spotting He Teng, who had finished his registration, and introduced him to Ya Dan and Ouyang.

Ya Dan nodding at He Teng with a mischievous smile, said, "How nice, to have found a comrade so soon!" Then she lowered her voice and whispered to He Zhilan, "We should exchange ideas more in the future."

Before giving He Zhilan time to decipher her insinuations, she quickly changed the subject. She exchanged dormitory addresses with He Zhilan, and seeing that they wouldn't be living together, Ya Dan shrugged somewhat regretfully, commenting that their fate was not strong enough. It would have been great if she could share a dorm with He Zhilan!

Indeed, their destiny fell short, for their dorms were in totally different directions — one to the east, the other to the south, separated by a long distance.

He Zhilan's dorm was on the fifth floor of the third building to the south. Since it was the first day of school, the girl's dormitory allowed male visitors in.

Capital University is among the best domestic universities. Despite its long history, the accommodation conditions are quite good.

The fifth floor is not the topmost one, so it isn't the hottest floor during the summer. The dormitory accommodates six people, with three bunk beds and six desks, clean and neat.

He Zhilan was the third one to arrive, naturally choosing the only remaining lower bunk. After greeting her two roommates, she and He Teng began to organize her stuff.

Based on the others' attire, He Zhilan guessed they were from rural areas like her, and didn't even have anyone to drop them off. Obviously, it was due to their families' inability to afford extra train tickets.

If it weren't for He Teng's military base being close to the capital, she would likely have had to enroll alone. Remembering the two and a half days on the train, He Zhilan couldn't help feeling relieved that she had He Teng with her.

He Teng had a different approach than young girls like He Zhilan. He was efficient and quick in organizing things. He Zhilan, on the other hand, paid great attention to details and considered how to place things for easy access. As such, He Teng was in charge of making the bed and putting up the mosquito net, while He Zhilan arranged her books and some small items on her desk.

After arranging their belongings, seeing the time on the wall clock of He Zhilan's dormitory, He Teng said, "I need to catch my train now."

Following his gaze, He Zhilan looked up at the wall. It was indeed past three o'clock. It was about time.