Chapter 44 He Teng's Comrade 4_1

"Bro, I will write letters to Dad and Dongxue, as well as to Liang Jing, and to you as well. If you have time, please reply, but it's okay if you don't." He Zhilan scratched her slightly itchy nose tip. To her surprise, could He Teng actually have such a tender moment?

Just a moment ago, He Zhilan could hardly recognize He Teng, nor the sudden, incredibly gentle smile on his face.

Perhaps He Teng felt that his words and actions earlier were somewhat deviating from his usual character. He didn't continue the conversation. Regardless of what He Zhilan said, he merely nodded. However, he had a desire in his heart - he wanted to touch Zhilan's face.

But that was only a thought. He Teng's usually cold demeanor meant that he would never be able to do such a tender thing. Or at least, not in front of Zhilan as they currently were - caught in an awkward half-acquaintance relationship.

Only when she couldn't see He Teng anymore did Zhilan reluctantly start to head back. On the way, an Audi, driven by one of He Teng's military comrades, zipped past her again. The speed this time was a bit scary. However, upon seeing who was driving, Zhilan didn't seem surprised at all.

The driver was no longer He Teng's comrade in army uniform, but a man in a sweatshirt. After all, how could a disciplined soldier possibly be reckless enough to speed down roads busy with school traffic?

If she hadn't reacted when she saw that Audi parked peacefully in the shaded area beneath the trees downstairs at the dormitory, she certainly did when she entered the dormitory and saw a girl in a pink dress throwing a tantrum. She never thought they'd be in the same dorm room.

"Gu En, have you finished with your tantrum yet? What's the big deal about sleeping anyway? What difference does it make to have upper or lower bunk? If there's no lower bunk, an upper one is fine too!" The one talking was the same man in the sweatshirt who had driven Gu En to school. In his tone, annoyance was overshadowed by a pampering helplessness, "Dear lady, why don't you ask your dad to pull some strings and have you moved to another dorm?"

"Lin Deng, it's easy for you to talk! You know damn well who my dad is!" Gu En grumbled.

Lin Deng kept quiet. Indeed, he knew very well what Gu En's dad was like. How would he possibly get the school to grant such a special request for his daughter?

Gu En glanced disdainfully at the two classmates in the dormitory then flopped onto the unoccupied lower bunk, flipping her leg up, "Which of you will let me have the lower bunk? Name your price."

In the eyes of the rich, there's nothing that money can't solve.

If Gu En hadn't intentionally sneered at the two classmates when she spoke, they might have been swayed by her offer. But Gu En's disdainful gesture was seen as trampling on the little dignity they were desperately trying to protect.

The two classmates chose to ignore her, lying silently on their bunks. They decided to disregard their new roommate altogether.

This infuriated Gu En to the point where she was hopping mad in her high heels.

Seeing that Gu En was throwing another fit, Lin Deng grew worried. He pointed to the bunk where Gu En had just sat and suggested, "That girl isn't here now, so why don't you just move her stuff up to the top bunk? If she comes back and you've already claimed her bed, just don't move. She wouldn't have the nerve to pull you down, would she? And she wouldn't make a fuss about this to the school authorities, would she?"