Chapter 54 Lan Li 2_1

Tan Heqian exhaled a lot, "I thought you were worried about something all day. Your husband is nine years older than you. He can take care of himself, you don't need to worry! I see you're so distracted all day, I'm worried about you too. If I had known it was just this matter, I wouldn't have wasted time with you in the library~ I would have gone to play ball!"

To Tan Heqian, He Zhilan's worry was just fussing over nothing. This is the difference between men and women. Women are detail-oriented and tend to overthink things, while men, like Tan Heqian, are carefree and do not let small things bother them.

However, though Tan Heqian spoke this way, his face did not show any sign of annoyance. He understood that women, well, they are like this. It also showed that He Zhilan and her husband must have a good relationship.

Having thought about this, Tan Heqian felt a touch of envy towards He Zhilan's husband. To be missed so deeply in less than two days of absence, Tan Heqian himself, who lives miles away from home, probably wasn't remembered as fondly.

His older brother was so busy that they hadn't seen each other for half a year. As for his family, they were even busier than his brother. Tan Heqian had been very independent sinces a young age, even in his senior year, only a nanny was there to handle the household chores. When he left home for Capital University, he carried his backpack and luggage all by himself.

"He Zhilan, do women always think about their husbands all the time after they get married? If it is like this, I really want to get married too~ find someone who will always think about me, that must be the happiest thing!" Tan Heqian laughed, "I think it must be a common issue among you women, my mum would always worry about my dad, more than she worries about me and my brother."

"Tan Heqian, why does your tone sound like you are seriously lacking in love?" He Zhilan teased.

"YOU are the one lacking love!" Tan Heqian shot a white-eyed glance at He Zhilan. He turned his head to see a man in military uniform staring at him and He Zhilan from not too far away. His gaze didn't look friendly either.

Tan Heqian's heart missed a beat. Could that be He Zhilan's husband from the army? Did he misunderstand him just because he and He Zhilan were standing close together?

"He Zhilan, do you recognize that man in the military uniform over there?" Tan Heqian tugged at He Zhilan's arm reminding her and simultenously creating a bit of distance between them.

Upon hearing the mention of a man in military uniform, He Zhilan turned her head instinctively to look. Tan Heqian, seeing He Zhilan's slightly stunned expression, began to tease her in a low voice, suggesting that maybe she had been overthinking things and that her husband was about to surprise her by suddenly appearing before her.

"Don't talk nonsense. He's my husband's comrade!" He Zhilan quickly clarified. She could tell from the way he looked at her that he didn't like her at all. She wasn't foolish. Though she wasn't sure why, it was clear that He Teng's comrade did not like her.

Because of this understanding, He Zhilan just nodded and smiled at the green figure in the distance as a greeting. Then she gave Tan Heqian a significant look and then left.

It wasn't until they walked quite a distance away that Tan Heqian dared to look back, only to find that the green figure was no longer there. "He Zhilan, didn't you say he was your husband's comrade? Then why were you so indifferent? Why did you leave without even greeting him properly?"