Chapter 61 He Hates What I Like 3_1

"Do you have a driver's license?" He Zhilan was seriously doubtful that Lin Chan was driving without a license!

"I got my license as soon as I was of age, what are you worried about? Besides, I drove for several years before I even got my license, and here I am, in front of you, perfectly healthy." Seeing that He Zhilan's face had turned pale from fright, Lin Chan bent over laughing, "Coward!"

He Zhilan was seriously angry, so she turned her face away, refusing to pay Lin Chan any attention, and made a mental note to avoid him whenever she saw him in the future!

"He Zhilan, are you really married? Or are you just pulling my leg?" When Lin Chan saw that He Zhilan was ignoring him, he pressed on with his question. Seeing that she still wasn't responding, he leaned over to her ear and shouted, "Are you deaf now from fear!"

Seeing that He Zhilan was angrily shoving him away, he found it even more amusing and laughed even harder, his mouth practically stretching to the back of his ears.

"You think everyone in the world is as bored as you are and uses this kind of thing to amuse themselves? Besides, why on earth would I want to amuse you? I am indeed married. My husband is a soldier, and damaging a military marriage is illegal. So don't even think about..."

"Wait a minute! What's it got to do with me whether damaging a military marriage is illegal?" Lin Chan interrupted He Zhilan. "Don't tell me you actually think I have designs on you? Your brain must be really fried from fear!"

"Humph." He Zhilan's face flushed, Lin Chan's remark implying that she was being overly presumptuous.

"Married at just eighteen, tell me He Zhilan, was your brain squeezed out at birth? You, a top student from Capital University, marrying a soldier like Lan Li, who barely spends time at home throughout the year, are you crazy? What were your parents thinking, letting you get married at just eighteen? What era is this, and you're getting married young? Are they worried you won't find a husband? Are you disabled?"

"If you're not taking me back to school, let me out to go to the police station!" He Zhilan didn't want to deal with Lin Chan's teasing and mockery anymore.

"Go to the police station to report me? Saying that I'm ruining a military marriage?" Lin Chan retorted.

"Will you ever stop! I'll tell the police that I got lost and let them take me back to school. Is that okay?!" He Zhilan was really furious this time. She really wanted to leave, but the car doors were locked, and she couldn't open them!

"Just a joke, are you really that angry? Fine, let's go. I'll take you back right now." Lin Chan's voice was shaking with suppressed laughter. While driving, he occasionally glanced at He Zhilan, then continued to chuckle.

"Ahh~ Capital University's top student, beautiful as a flower, why are you married so young, and even worse, marrying a soldier, my most hated profession, the world gone mad, all the good women are taken by pigs. " Lin Chan was obviously regretful. How could this young girl be married already?

He Zhilan decided to act deaf until she got back to school, to ignore everything.

"However, you are you, just for the fact that Lan Li dislikes you, I will like you very much! He Zhilan, from now on, you'll be my little sister! If the Lan Family ever bullies you, just come to me!" Lin Chan's voice was still cheerful, "Let's annoy the hell out of that sourpuss Lan Li on the road ahead! Oh, remember my phone number, I know every dorm in Capital University has a phone, call me whenever you need to!"