Chapter 65 New School Life_1

To save on postage, He Zhilan placed three letters intended for her family in one envelope, then mailed it to He Dongxue's school. Once He Dongxue received the mail, she would pass on the letters to Liang Jing and their dad.

By eight o'clock, everyone in the dormitory had returned. Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting were five minutes later than Wang Bingbing and Huang Cai, and when they returned, both had snacks in their hands.

"Did Gu En come back today? She's staying out again tonight? Students who live in the capital sure are lucky!" Jiang Biyun glanced at Gu En's bed and knew she had been back.

"Her family has a dinner party tonight." He Zhilan explained, then slipped the sealed envelope into her foreign language novel.

"Forget about her. We brought some late-night snacks for you guys. They're skewers from the student street! They taste awesome!" Chen Xiting shook the bag in her hand and walked in with Jiang Biyun, looking over at He Zhilan, "Smell that, isn't it appetizing?"

"It does smell good!" He Zhilan nodded as if she understood that every school's student street had its own delicious specialties. Near her high school, there was a place that made especially tasty skewers. However, He Zhilan didn't get to enjoy it often because the He family was poor, and she had no allowance. The few times she got to eat it was when her classmates treated her.

Since He Zhilan had no money, she couldn't afford to treat her classmates. Hence, she felt awkward accepting others' kindness and gradually drifted away from these friends.

"I'm not eating, you guys go ahead." Huang Cai was the first to refuse, and then, using the excuse of not being hungry, Wang Bingbing also turned down the skewers and returned to her bed.

Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting looked at each other, shrugged, then turned to He Zhilan, asking, "Are you eating?"

"Seeing how good they look, of course!" He Zhilan, laughing, accepted the food with gratitude. She could understand Huang Cai and Wang Bingbing's thoughts, similar to how she thought in high school.

Due to a sense of inferiority, she would also refuse others' gifts, thereby isolating herself from her friends.

This refusal was like camouflage for her inferiority, preventing others from entering her world while also preventing herself from stepping out of that circle.

Actually, He Zhilan later realized that she had overthought it. True friends would understand her situation, her financial condition.

Their sharing came from pure friendship, they simply wanted to share the joy and occasional sadness, and what they thought was good food. True friends wouldn't look down on her for being poor.

"Can you handle spicy food? I asked the vendor for both spicy and non-spicy flavors!" Answering He Zhilan's acceptance, Jiang Biyun immediately broke into a smile, carefully separating the skewers into two distinct flavors.

"I can handle a bit of spice, let me taste!" He Zhilan took the skewer Jiang Biyun handed to her and bit into it. Most people around the capital tend not to eat spicy food because the air is dry and it could easily lead to inflammation. That's probably why, despite seeing chili powder on the skewers Jiang Biyun gave her, they were aromatic, but not spicy.

"These taste even better than the ones near my high school." He Zhilan commented.

"Right?! Chen Xiting and I think it's really good too! It's nothing compared to what we had in high school! It's a pity we just started college and can't openly drink beer in the dorm yet. Otherwise, with this hot weather, a few skewers and a dozen bottles of ice-cold beer would be just perfect!" Jiang Biyun was clearly reminiscing about her joyous and carefree life during the final summer vacation of high school.