Chapter 72 Luxury Gifts 2_1

Gu En stood up again, "That perfume is from a very old brand in France. This particular kind was newly launched this spring, it's currently unavailable domestically. The price for a single bottle equates to more than half a year's net income for most people."

After a pause, Gu En continued, "I own a bottle myself, which was sent to me by my aunt abroad as a university gift during the summer vacation."

"What about the others?" Chen Xiting swallowed, "More than half a year's net income! How rich one must be to afford it?"

"For the rest, you can go to the largest department store in the capital and have a look. I'm not a salesperson. How could I remember everything?" Gu En shrugged his shoulders, then cast a glance at He Zhilan, "He Zhilan, did you start dating a very wealthy boyfriend?"

"No." He Zhilan shook her head, her face a picture of bewilderment.

"Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! He Zhilan, is someone secretly in love with you? You're rich now! Even if you sell this perfume, you could have so much extra cash!" Chen Xiting clung to her arm, "He, don't forget us when you've hit the jackpot. When we go out for kebabs, remember to treat Jiang Biyun and me to a few extra skewers!"

"What a joke! Who would go and sell a gift received from others? That's so low!" Gu En snorted dismissively.

"Chen Xiting is only joking." He Zhilan defended Chen Xiting. She was fully aware of Chen Xiting's and Jiang Biyun's humorous nature. They wouldn't encourage her to do such a thing.

The key point was, He Zhilan couldn't possibly accept something so valuable! If she knew who sent it, she would immediately return it! Even holding it felt too hot to handle!

"There's a note under the box!" Jiang Biyun suddenly shouted, urging He Zhilan to look.

Upon hearing this, He Zhilan hastily emptied the box onto a nearby table then tore off the double-sided tape securing the note to the bottom of the box.

"Since you have military training coming up, I want to give you a gift in advance. A woman should pamper herself. Aren't you surprised?"

Jiang Biyun gave an enchanted reading of the note aloud, "So gentle and thoughtful! Judging by this handwriting, I bet ten skewers it's from a man!"

"I'm more frightened than surprised..." He Zhilan deliberated, she only knew Tan Heqian among the men in the capital. But this handwriting didn't look like Tan's. Besides, Tan was not a person who was idle enough to do such a thing.

Observing He Zhilan's genuine shock and confusion, Jiang Biyun stopped joking and asked seriously, "He Zhilan, you don't really have any idea who sent these, do you?"

"I don't know." He Zhilan continued shaking her head, "I can't even guess."

As for men who would care about her, one was from the He family in the countryside, and the other was in the army. The former had no money, the latter was so straightforward, he would never be able to do something so extravagant. Of course, He Teng was just as broke. However, given He Teng's personality, even if he had the money, he would never partake in such an act.

"In that case, store these for now. Wait until you figure out who sent them, then decide whether to return or accept them." Jiang Biyun offered a reasonable suggestion to He Zhilan.