Chapter 78: Lin Chan's Circle_1

Then, Commissar Chen Zheng spoke again, "He Teng, you've been in our field army for many years now, haven't you? I remember you enlisted at the age of fifteen. At first, you served as a duty soldier for many years before switching here. Actually, given your capabilities, you should have been promoted long ago. However, these years have passed, and you remain a squad leader for two reasons that we both know: first, you lack connections, and second, your educational background is insufficient. This time, someone up there has spoken. They're giving you the opportunity to further your education at Capital Military Academy. Upon your return, you will be promoted to platoon leader. Of course, these are only verbal promises. It's unlikely that any official documents to that effect will come down. But the document allowing you to further your studies should arrive within the next two months at most. He Teng, this is your chance. Once you're promoted to platoon leader, you won't have to worry about your future career. Thankfully, there are still some people in this army who value genuine talent over background!"

Every time someone in the troop got promoted, Commissar Chen Zheng felt they were not as deserving as He Teng. Seeing He Teng stuck in the position of squad leader with no way to move forward, he too was anxious for him. But Teng's lack of education was a major stumbling block. In this army, a platoon leader must have an academic degree. Commissar Chen Zheng was genuinely worried that this promising young man might stay in the position of squad leader until his old age.

When faced with such promising news, He Teng's facial expression didn't change much. However, he was considering. He cared about the fact that if he could be promoted to platoon leader, his salary and subsidies would increase a little bit each month. Although the increase might not be significant, it was better than nothing.

He Teng thought, at least, he could afford one more dish for He Zhilan at school every day!

"This matter is only discussed among higher-ups for now. Although I know you wouldn't spread rumors, I still need to remind you - keep your current expression, keep silent, don't let anyone find out!" Commissar Chen Zheng half-praised, half-teased He Teng. After all, He Teng's face was always like this; you couldn't expect it to have many expressions.

"He Teng, although we're soldiers, dedicating our lives to the country, we're also married. Our families are equally important. We should be explicit that whether a person can smoothly rise up in the army often depends on domestic harmony. I'm going to level with you: there are quite a few bad rumors about your wife in the unit. Seems like she's got into Capital University for her studies?"

"Yes." It took He Teng a while to grunt out this one word.

Commissar Chen Zheng rolled his eyes. "Yes, what? Damn, I want you to talk about you and your wife's situation! Is your wife really unreasonable as those young lads say about her?"

"No." He Teng unconsciously refuted, the image of He Zhilan with her watery eyes and her shy disposition in the public bath popped up in his head. He blurted out, "She is very obedient."

"If you say so! You know your wife the best. Ignore those people who gossip about others like old women when they have nothing to do. I remember students get a holiday for National Day; if available, let your wife stay with us for a few days. Once the well-behaved and talented lady spends some time here, all the bad rumors will naturally dissipate. She is a university student from Capital University. Who else's wife in our unit is as capable as yours?"