Chapter 84: Lin Chan's Circle_7_1

This kind of joke naturally upset the subject himself. Qi Chengnan glanced at Lin Chan and said, "Are you trying to put this restaurant out of business? Daring to tease my brother and me!"

"Oh right! I totally forgot that you're the big boss of the Health Department. I was wrong, I beg for mercy!" Lin Chan's face didn't look apologetic at all. He was laughing so hard that his eyebrows were about to fly off his face. Clearly, this wasn't the first time he'd made such a joke. "Past Chengnan is a guy called Chen Yun. Not Yun like in 'white cloud,' it's Yun as in 'excelled in both martial arts and literary arts.' Zhilan, you're so smart, you must know this character! Chen Yun's from the Public Safety Bureau! So, Zhilan, in the future, if you want to start a fight, go find retired soldier Xing Ye. His skills can take on ten men at once. If you get hurt and end up in the hospital, look for Bian Muhe and Sister Xiulin; if you get taken to the Public Safety Bureau, look for Chen Yun. If you end up in court, look for Bian Mufan. After everything's all settled and you want to grab a bite, check out any restaurant or hotel you dislike and go to Qi Chengnan."

"Pfft~" As soon as Lin Chan finished speaking, the entire room was filled with laughter.

"Lin Chan, you're being cruel to your younger sister! Can't you wish better for her? You want her to get into a fight and end up injured in the hospital, then end up in the bureau and court?" The one speaking was Xing Ye's fiancé, Bian Xiulin. With her light makeup and loosely tied black hair, her eyes curved when she laughed. She then turned to He Zhilan and said, "Zhilan, don't listen to Lin Chan's nonsense. He's got a sharp tongue, but a warm heart. Now that he considers you his younger sister, we all will too. If you ever need help in the capital, you can come to us."

"Sister Xiulin sure has a way with words." Muhe nodded in agreement.

"I meant all of that!" Lin Chan only realized the inappropriateness of his earlier words amidst all the teasing. But he didn't really care. After considering all the girls in the room besides Bian Xiulin and He Zhilan, he said, "As for the chicks hanging around Chen Yun and the others, they're merely their temporary bed partners. I don't even know them myself so there's no point in introducing them. It's a waste of breath."

After Lin Chan finished speaking, He Zhilan noticed the stunned and offended reactions of those girls. Labeling them as 'temporary bed partners' was no-doubt humiliating, even insulting. He Zhilan now realized how ruthless someone like Lin Chan could be when he wanted to insult someone, with no regard for a woman's dignity and feelings. It was to a point where the person felt insulted.

He Zhilan felt relieved she had not troubled Lin Chan and was feeling pressured as he introduced his good friends to her in such a formal manner. She was confused and had no idea why.

They had only met twice, so why was Lin Chan so warm towards her?

Friendship that came without purpose, disregarding gender.

While Zhilan was still in her daze, Lin Chan had already poured her a drink and invited everyone to toast.

Being slow to react, Zhilan lifted her glass, only to realize that she and Xing Ye's fiancé Sister Xiulin were the only ones drinking soft drinks while others were enjoying red wine. It was clear that Lin Chan was being considerate of her, knowing that she was a female student, he hadn't even let her drink alcohol.

After taking a sip of her drink, He Zhilan knew it was her turn to speak. But, she was genuinely nervous. So, as everyone stared at her, all she could manage to say in a low voice was thank you.