Chapter 89: Unexpected Encounter with He Teng's Old War Buddy 5_1

After a meal, He Zhilan somehow ended up with five non-blood-related brothers, all of whom were extremely influential, without ever having the chance to refuse.

At the end of the meal, everyone had given He Zhilan a gift as a token of formally acknowledging her as their younger sister. She had no choice but to accept these presents reluctantly.

Lin Chan was the one who took her back again. On the way home, he was a bit upset, mentioning the lunch had gotten out of his control. He had originally planned to introduce Zhilan as his adopted sister and inform everyone that he was looking after her. But somehow, she ended up being recognized as everyone's sister and he was pushed into fourth-brother position!

However, Lin Chan wasn't a fool. After some thought, he realised Xing Ye calling her sister-in-law was probably the reason for this turn of events.

They were all from the same background, having grown up in the same environment. Now, holding high positions, they were all connected, with Xing Ye at the centre. So, they all treated each other with respect, considering Xing Ye's influence.

Of course, Lin Chan wouldn't tell He Zhilan about these insights. They were the intricate thoughts of men, better left untold as it might make He Zhilan uneasy. Nevertheless, Lin Chan still gave her some advice.

Due to this sister-brother adoption, He Zhilan, albeit helpless about it, took Lin Chan's gift back to her dorm. However, she felt somewhat grateful to Lin Chan. She realized that he was genuinely kind to her without any ulterior motives.

In line with Lin Chan's own words about hitting it off well, she could tell that he was a straightforward guy - if he was good to you, he meant it.

When He Zhilan returned to her dorm, Gu En was standing by the window. Hearing her, Gu En turned around, and his gaze landed on the things He Zhilan was carrying.

"After all this fuss, you got these gifts from playboy Lin Chan?" Gu En's voice was unfriendly, "You were with him at noon and he even came to pick you up and drop you back? He Zhilan, since when have you been so close with Lin Chan? Did you forget what I told you last time? Lin Chan is no good. Maintain your distance from him, or else you'll end up getting hurt!"

Gu En's voice sharply demanded, "I forbid you to meet Lin Chan! If you need something, just tell me. I, Gu En, have plenty of money. Whatever he can give you, I can give you too!"

Seeing He Zhilan silently tidying up her stuff, Gu En assumed she didn't take her words seriously. She walked over, grabbed He Zhilan's hand to stop her tidying, "He Zhilan, what do you mean by staying silent? Do you think I am lying to you? Do you know what kind of people are around Lin Chan? Each one is a playboy, always hanging around with women. They easily spend money on women, but none of them sincerely cares for any woman! Don't think their sweet words are real when they adore you, when they want to dump you, you'll know what cruelty means! Keep your distance from Lin Chan, he'll only bring you harm!"

He Zhilan looked down at Gu En's hand holding hers, before finally speaking, "Gu En, I'm eighteen, capable of distinguishing right from wrong. Moreover, Lin Chan and I are just friends, not in the kind of relationship you think. So, if you're worried about him playing with my feelings, there's absolutely no need for that, because such a situation will never occur. Still, I am grateful for your advice, and I'll remember it."