Chapter 95: Instructor Lin Deng 5_1

Everyone in the dormitory was present, a rare "all gathered under one roof".

"You and Jiang Biyun got off easy; the two of you being punished by standing was so cushy! At the beginning, we all felt sorry for you, but as time went on, we became so envious we could die! We wished we had been in your shoes, standing there being punished!" Chen Xiting sighed, "We were crawling up and down like monkeys in training while you guys were standing under the shade of a tree, relaxing. So envious!"

"Indeed, the bottom three in our team were also envious, but too bad our instructor didn't punish us with 'standing'." Huang Cai also rarely joined in on the conversation.

"Tch~" Gu En looked at them with scorn, "Lin Deng deliberately protected those three, do you think he really wanted to punish the bottom three performers? I understand Lin Deng all too well, I know his character better than any of you!"

He Zhilan and Jiang Biyun looked at each other, choosing to keep quiet on this delicate subject. Knowing is one thing, but speaking out is another. If they were to agree or even brag about it, it might cause trouble for Lin Deng.

"I really don't get it, on what grounds does Lin Deng look out for you guys? Why would he choose to be your instructor?" Gu En complained resentfully, "The audacity of that young man! Why didn't he apply to become my instructor? Just wait till I get him!"

With this conversation, Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting realized that Instructor Lin Deng and Gu En knew each other well.

At the time Lin Deng dropped off Gu En at the dorm, Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting hadn't arrived yet. Therefore, only Huang Cai, Wang Bingbing, and He Zhilan knew about Lin Deng and Gu En's acquaintance.

Because the morning training was so exhausting, nobody responded after Gu En's display of contempt. They quickly fell asleep. Only He Zhilan, who was Gu En's bunkmate and was woken by Gu En's vigorous movements when she got up, knew that Gu En had left the dorm instead of taking a nap.

Of course, Gu En understood Lin Deng. So, when she saw He Zhilan and Jiang Biyun standing as punishment, she knew Lin Deng's intention. At first, she didn't care much, but as time went on, she became increasingly irritated, so much so that she couldn't sleep. She decided to go to the temporary dorm set up for the instructors to find Lin Deng.

All the instructors were male. Gu En's sudden entry scared the group of men, but luckily it was during their afternoon nap and they were at least all shirted, not merely in their underwear.

"Lin Deng, come out!" Gu En called out, before standing in the corridor waiting.

When Lin Deng saw Gu En, he felt a throbbing at his temple, his first thought was, 'Miss Gu has thrown a temper tantrum for some reason.'

"Lin Deng, I want to join your team! Tell the school administrators and get me transferred to your team!"

Lin Deng's eyes widened in surprise, "Gu En, do you think I'm a god? That with just one word the school administrators will do my bidding?"

"Then you come and be my instructor, transfer my instructor to He Zhilan's team!" Gu En snorted.

"Which department, which team gets which instructor, all of these are decided by higher-ups. This isn't a game where we can go wherever we want. What's gotten into you? Who has upset you?" Lin Deng realized that his sixth sense was correct. Gu En was indeed throwing a temper tantrum.