Chapter 103: A Few Things About Military Training 5_1

This comment, more or less effective, amused the girls one after another with Lin Deng's humorous and witty words. The boys also gave face and erupted in laughter.

"Now that's more like it. I don't want to be a dog trainer!" Lin Deng blew the whistle, signaling everyone to sit down in place. Then he stood tall at the original spot, discussing the evening activities with everyone.

Everyone burst into laughter upon learning that even the most childish game of 'drop the handkerchief' was included. They rolled their eyes and laughed heartily.

"Who's laughing so loudly? Want a beating?" Lin Deng's face stiffened, but obviously, he wasn't threatening at all, because everyone saw the laughter in his eyes.

All had underestimated the game arranged by Instructor Lin Deng. It was just a rule-tweaked version of a game that even kindergarten children would play, yet it made everyone exhausted.

The unfortunate person who ended up with the handkerchief nearly ran out of breath from circling the auditorium. Someone broke the rule halfway, throwing the handkerchief directly to another team, instantly messing up the order of the entire auditorium. This team chased after another half-dead team, and when they finally caught the person, Instructor Lin Deng blew the whistle, announcing, "Invalid, wrong person caught." The person could barely breathe.

Those fortunate enough to participate in this childish game were exhausted, and those who just sat there and watched were laughing their heads off. When the activity finally ended, everyone in the hall became more active, regardless of their teams, all mixing and sitting together.

"Have you all run enough? Laughed enough?" Lin Deng blew a whistle, and the auditorium quieted down slightly. However, at his question, the people in the auditorium burst into laughter again.

"Let's play something else then!" Lin Deng laughed along with everyone. "This is your military training for freshmen. Training, training, as the name implies, training you like soldiers! As a soldier, not only do you have to train, but the most important thing is to have a fiery military heart, bursting into songs when opened! So, next, let's play a game of passing the song, but, the game rules need to be changed!"

As Lin Deng said this, his gaze shifted around the auditorium, finally landing on Gu En. "Gu En, step forward!"

Suddenly called upon, Gu En was stunned, stood up in confusion, and casually walked towards Lin Deng, standing casually by his side, glancing at him, "What for?"

Lin Deng grinned, and then continued, "Gu En is our mobile military music jukebox. There's a piano over there, go up, play anything, and then have the teams below sing along. Those who can't sing, on the day of the final military training performance, will have to prepare an additional performance!"

Miss Gu was intrigued upon hearing this and agreed immediately.

He Zhilan looked towards the direction indicated by Lin Deng and only then noticed there was a piano in the corner of the auditorium. She didn't know whether it had always been there or had been moved there by Lin Deng and his team.

"Instructor! This is unfair! Gu En is on their team. If they cheat and play something simple, wouldn't we all lose by default!" Someone yelled out.

Gu En, who had already sat at the piano, snorted, "I would never stoop low enough to do such unrefined things!"

"Can the instructors of their own teams participate?" Someone asked.