Chapter 120: Visiting Relatives Short Stay 2_1

"No, not really. Having known your train schedule, I just arrived a little while ago." The young soldier started the car, chatting with Zhilan, "Once we reach base, and Sergeant He sees you, he's sure to be very happy!"

"Him? Whether he's happy or not, you can't really tell from his face," Zhilan replied with a smile.

The soldier chuckled, apparently agreeing with Zhilan's remark. Sergeant He was known in the base to be an introverted man with few facial expressions, yet his temper was good; he rarely lost his cool.

Following his brief conversation with Zhilan, the soldier started to chat more casually with her. "You look younger than me, Madam. When I saw you come out from the train station, I could hardly believe my eyes! How old are you, Madam?"

"Eighteen." Zhilan looked puzzled, 'Why doesn't this soldier know anything about me, even though he came to pick me up?'

"I knew it! You're really younger than me! I am already twenty-two this year!" Hearing her answer, the soldier laughed lightheartedly, his face carrying a trace of smug satisfaction.

Being young and having met an even younger sister-in-law, the soldier chatted with her while driving. It wasn't until they were close to the base that he reluctantly ended their discussion.

Upon entering the base, the soldier instantly shifted to a more serious demeanor. Only after the car came to a halt did he get off and open the door for Zhilan. He said, "Madam, here we are!"

"Hmm!" Zhilan nodded and got out of the car. Upon turning her head, she saw He Teng running towards them from a distance. It seemed he had just found out about her arrival.

"Sergeant He!" The soldier quickly saluted upon seeing He Teng, standing stiffly upright.

"You've worked hard! Go do your own thing now." He Teng nodded in thanks and then focused his attention on Zhilan.

Zhilan sensed the gaze of He Teng, gave him a gentle smile, and quietly called him brother.

After bidding farewell to Zhilan, the soldier drove away, leaving Zhilan and He Teng standing alone. He Teng stared at Zhilan for a few seconds, saying nothing, and then took the luggage from her hands.

"He Teng." Chen Zheng knew that He Teng's wife had arrived, so he rushed over, spotting the two of them from afar.

"Commissar." He Teng returned the salute, surprisingly initiating a conversation, "My wife, Zhilan."

"No need for introduction, anyone standing with you would be your wife. Otherwise, whose wife would she be?" Chen Zheng laughed teasingly, then he looked at Zhilan, subtly sizing her up. At first glance, he found her fair and apparently docile and well-mannered. With this impression, Chen Zheng felt that she, indeed, was quite a match for He Teng.

"Good day, Commissar." Zhilan, of course, knew that the Commissar was assessing her, but she acted oblivious and allowed him to look at her freely, proactively greeting the Comissar.

"Good! You must be tired from the journey from the capital?" The Commissar smiled, looking as jovial as a Maitreya Buddha, then he glared at He Teng, "Are you not going to take your wife to get some rest at the guesthouse? Since your wife is here, I'll give you half the day off this afternoon to accompany her. Your sister-in-law mentioned about your wife's arrival and insisted on having you both over for dinner tonight!"