Chapter 127: A Little Drunk and Delighted 2_1

"Commissioner's sister-in-law, do you need help in the kitchen? I can assist you." In order to avoid being teased any longer in the living room, He Zhilan followed the Commissioner's wife to the kitchen hastily as soon as she saw her going there.

The Commissioner's wife laughed heartily, "We have all these sisters-in-law here in the house. There's no need for a newcomer like you to help out! Be a good girl and sit in the living room!" After a pause, the Commissioner's wife continued, "Oh dear, what are we to do? You're so young that talking to you feels like talking to my own daughter!"

"Commissioner's sister-in-law, isn't it National Day? Why haven't I seen the older sister's children?" He Zhilan hadn't seen girls her age when she walked in, but there were two four- or five-year-old kids hopping around in the living room.

The Commissioner's wife chuckled, a tender look appearing on her face as she talked about her daughter, "That girl can't sit still at home, I don't know where she has run off to this time. She should be back home by now."

As they were talking, a girl's crisp voice could be heard from the doorway, and she walked in, her face beaded with sweat and a playful grin. Seeing the crowd in her home, she didn't shy away but greeted everyone casually.

"Ya'nan, come here. Let me introduce you. This is He Uncle's wife, and you should call her Auntie He." The Commissioner's wife called her daughter over.

He Zhilan glanced at the girl. The thirteen-year-old girl had cropped hair like a young boy, instead of keeping braids. She looked particularly energetic.

"Mom, are you kidding me? I should be calling her sister!" Chen Ya'nan was panting heavily as she glanced at He Zhilan and then at He Teng, who was sitting and chatting with the older men.

"Your Auntie He is only eighteen years old. Normally, you should call her sister due to the age difference, but since Uncle He has shown endurance and married her, you should call him Uncle and his wife Auntie. If you were to call her sister, what would that mean?" The Commissioner's wife spoke with no room for negotiation on this matter.

Chen Ya'nan stuck out her lip and called out "Auntie He".

"It's alright, it's just a title. You'll get used to it." He Zhilan smiled at Chen Ya'nan. She quite liked this young girl - she was generous, lively and lacked the arrogance typical of girls from big families.

"Auntie He, I heard from the people in the complex that you attended Capital University! You're amazing, I was in awe of you even before I met you!" Chen Ya'nan may be a cheeky little girl still in middle school, but her aspirations for university were high. Regrettably, her grades weren't too good.

"You think everyone is like you, always running around! When your mother gave birth to you, she must've only given you limbs but forgot to give you a brain!" Commissioner Chen Zheng admonished his daughter, though his face broke into a grin. He laughed with He Zhilan before continuing, "Younger sister, you don't know my Ya'nan. Once she starts running, not even the new soldiers can keep up! If she had been a boy, I would've let her go wild and at most, she'd just join the army. The problem is, she's a girl, which really worries your sister-in-law and me. It's perfect timing with you here, let this girl spend more time with you and learn from you. Teach her how a girl should behave, and maybe tutor her in her studies."

"Dad, what's wrong with being a girl? Am I not allowed to be a female soldier when I grow up? Who knows, I might even surpass you and become your superior. You'll have to salute me when you see me!" Chen Ya'nan retorted. The whole room burst into laughter, teasing Chen Ya'nan for her ambition and claiming they were waiting for the day she'd become a female soldier!