Chapter 130: Slightly Drunken Delights 5_1

Though she's a high-performing student from Capital University and is also quite pretty, to the political commissar's wife, this young lady didn't appear arrogant due to her talents and didn't seem restless like those who lived in big cities.

"Sister, you seem to really like children~ You don't know how naughty these two kids usually are, yet you can make them so obedient." The political commissar's wife started.

He Zhilan was puzzled, "Really? I think these two brothers are quite well-behaved." She genuinely couldn't see where the children were being naughty. Initially, the children would secretly watch her, but once she smiled at them, they ran over to play with her, asking her many questions, and listening intently to her responses.

"Aunty He, these two monkeys are even more mischievous than me!" Chen Ya'nan smirked, not bothered about whether the children's parents would get upset.

"Actually, now that you're married, you and He Teng can also have a child. You love children, it would be great if you had your own. However, since you're still studying, you might have to wait a few years. After graduation, you'll have to find a job." After saying this, the political commissar's wife asked, "Sister, what's your major at university? Have you thought about where you want to work in the future?"

"I'm studying foreign languages, majoring in English. After graduation, it would be great to find a job like a teacher!" Zhilan replied with a smile.

"Teaching is great! The work is lighter and respectable! Even after having a child, you won't have to worry about losing your job, it's like a meal ticket!" The political commissar's wife's eyes brightened, "You can even follow He Teng into the military, our county has schools. If you could teach at the county's high school, you can live on the base!"

Upon hearing this, He Zhilan suddenly understood. The political commissar's wife was trying to figure out her future plans. Despite being intrigued, He Zhilan was somewhat confused. Why was the political commissar's wife so concerned about He Teng's personal matters?

He Zhilan didn't know much about He Teng's military affairs, or other related matters, so she just went along with what the political commissar's wife was saying. "It would be ideal to join the military without interfering with my work. However, I'm not sure if I'll be able to teach at the county's high school after I graduate."

"A top performer from Capital University teaching at the county's high school is certainly more than enough!" The political commissar's wife grinned, "He Teng has been working very hard in the military for more than a decade, always alone. No one has come to visit him during holidays. Now that you're married, you can follow him into the military and take care of him. Even though He Teng can take care of himself, as a man, he might tend to overlook certain things. When we as wives are with our husbands in the military, we can at least cook, clean the house, do laundry, etc., right?"

"Yes." Zhilan nodded, "That's what I'm thinking. I will join the military after graduation."

Upon hearing this, the political commissar's wife breathed a silent sigh of relief. In her heart, she thought, this young lady is not bad, she will be a good wife who knows how to dote on her husband.

If someone were to ask Zhilan now whether her future work or He Teng is more important, she would undoubtedly reply without hesitation that He Teng is more important. If she has to choose between her work and He Teng in the future, she would choose to stay by He Teng's side.