Chapter 136: Tipsy Romantic Mood 11_1

"Sister-in-law!" Upon seeing the couple, Kang Xing and Niu Rang excitedly waved their hands, "Over here! Squad Leader, over here!"

He Teng glanced at the two men, but instead of heading in their direction, he led He Zhilan with their trays of food to an empty spot, completely ignoring the enthusiastic pair.

"Didn't the squad leader and the sister-in-law see us?" Kang Xing scratched his head as he watched the couple walk away.

"They did, right? I clearly saw Sister-in-law giving us a sweet smile!" Niu Rang replied, then took a look at Kang Xing before glancing at the couple sitting on the side. Realisation dawned on him, "Oh~ the squad leader is worried that we'll disturb their meal!"

"Why say we're disturbing them? We're just excited to see Sister-in-law. It's rare for her to visit the army camp, and it's also rare for us to spend time with her!" Kang Xing slapped Niu Rang, "If anyone is disturbing, it's you!"

"Bug off! I don't talk to people who don't have a girlfriend!" Niu Rang shot Kang Xing a look, and moved his tray and himself slightly further away.

Meanwhile, He Zhilan, puzzled, followed He Teng to their seats and accepted her tray. She asked him, "Brother, didn't you see Kang Xing and Niu Rang waving at us just now?"

"I saw them." He Teng replied nonchalantly, then urged He Zhilan to hurry up and eat so they could go back and relax together after lunch.

"Did he really see them?" He Zhilan wondered, starting to feel a little annoyed. Even if he did see them, why did he act as if he didn't and take the longer route instead? Plus, he brought her to sit in such a secluded spot. Is he afraid that someone would snatch his food?

At noon, Political Commissar Chen didn't eat lunch in the cafeteria with everyone else but went back to the residential building. Downstairs, he saw Ya'nan, his own daughter, leading two children upstairs.

"Ya'nan!" Chen Zheng called out and hurried after her, "Where are you going? Why are you only going home now?"

"I'm going to Aunty He's place! Mum said that Aunty He must be bored on her own at the guesthouse, so she asked me to take the kids to keep her company. Plus, she can help me with my homework! Dad, why did you come home for lunch?" Chen Ya'nan responded truthfully.

"I see~" Chen Zheng did not answer Ya'nan's question. Instead, he went straight home, leaving his daughter behind. Ya'nan, dragging the two kids, was left rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Darling~" The moment he entered the house, Chen Zheng called out for his wife. He peeked into the kitchen, and sure enough, his wife was there.

After the gathering last night, he was too drunk to engage his wife in conversation. So, he decided to come back at midday today.

"Darling, I saw you chatting and laughing with He Teng's wife last night, what were you guys talking about?" Chen Zheng asked as he helped carry his wife's cooked dishes to the dining table.

Upon hearing this, the Commissar's wife finally understood why Chen Zheng had made a special trip home in the middle of the day.

After a moment of thought, she replied, "To me, even though the girl is young, she seems to have a mind of her own. She appears quiet and doesn't talk much, but she's great with the kids. She's patient and obviously likes children a lot. I don't think she can be that bad. There have been rumours in the army that she's arrogant and unreasonable. But I think those are just idle gossip by you guys who have nothing better to do."