Chapter 138: About Acting Spoiled 2_1

He Zhilan acted as if she didn't see Lan Li and stayed silently by He Teng's side at all times.

The smell of snacks filled the guest room. The scent of chips, which were half-finished and pushed aside, permeated the whole room.

"Brother, do you want some snacks? My roommate bought them for me~" Looking at the snacks on the table, He Zhilan said somewhat awkwardly. Before she went out, He Teng had helped her pack this stuff. Now seeing He Teng's gaze directed towards the source of the room's smell, she was taken aback and quickly explained. She was worried that He Teng might think she spent money recklessly at school.

He Teng gave He Zhilan a meaningful glance, as if to say it was a bit ridiculous for her to offer these items adored by young girls and children to him.

"Open the window to let some fresh air in and then I'll accompany you for a nap." When He Teng said this, he was not commanding He Zhilan to open the window. As he spoke, he approached and opened a window himself. A breeze blew in, quickly dissipating the smell in the room. For He Teng, who was accustomed to fresh air all the time, it was much more comfortable.

While He Teng was opening the window, He Zhilan obediently pulled off her shoes and climbed onto the bed, lying down again in the spot she had slept the night before. He Teng was tall, so when he laid down next to her, her side of the bed sagged a bit.

It seemed to have become a habit. As soon as he laid down, he placed his arm on her waist, and she shifted a bit, leaning into him and resting her head on his shoulder.

Neither spoke. He Zhilan knew He Teng had had a tough training session, so she didn't disturb his rest, even though she couldn't sleep at the moment.

Because she recently started working part-time at school, she had already abandoned her habit of taking a nap in the afternoon. At this time, she was usually working in the library. If no one was there, she would just read.

With his eyes closed, He Teng lay next to her. For the first time, He Zhilan studied He Teng's appearance in earnest.

Compared with Lan Li and Lin Chan, He Teng wasn't considered handsome. He had neatly arched and bushy eyebrows, inherited his father's single eyelids. At the moment, his closed eyelids covered his apathetic yet uniquely domineering eyes. If He Zhilan had to pick the parts of He Teng's face she liked the most, it would definitely be his nose and...lips.

His nose was high and straight, a quintessential standard of beauty that added a striking and appealing quality to his features.

And then there were his thin lips.

He Zhilan's face blushed at the thought of her kiss with He Teng, making her feel feverish.

People said that those with thin lips tended to be cold-hearted. He Zhilan wondered if He Teng could be considered cold-hearted. Probably not, right? Although he wasn't talkative, He Teng was actually quite good to her, both in this life and the previous one.

Like most men in his military unit, due to years of training, He Teng's skin wasn't as fair as that of a well-born young man like Lin Chan. His skin, tanned by the sun, represented an irresistible beauty to He Zhilan. It also indicated that he was healthy.

If she remembered correctly, He Teng was probably the tallest boy in the entire village. When thinking about He Teng's figure, a saying came to He Zhilan's mind, "They look skinny in clothes but are actually physically well-built!"

"Will staring at me make you fall asleep?"

He Teng's eyes suddenly opened without warning and he stared straight at He Zhilan. She was startled and instinctively shrunk back into the blanket, looking at He Teng nervously like a little bunny.