Chapter 141: About Acting Coquettishly 5_1

Before the National Day, He Zhilan once spent an afternoon in the library with Ya Dan, throughout which Ya Dan discussed with her strategies on how to manage her own man.

He Zhilan had never considered treating He Teng the same way Ya Dan's husband was treated with indulgence and pampering, but she still remembered the techniques suggested by Ya Dan. Now, she was unconsciously applying them to deal with He Teng, one of which was acting coy with men.

Ya Dan's exact words were, if your husband is angry, act coy until he runs out of breath. If he dares to disobey, act coy until his bones go soft, then he will obey you!

However, He Zhilan was somewhat doubtful about this maneuver, it seemed ineffective on He Teng~

Another technique in Ya Dan's teachings was to take the initiative and tease the man when in bed, ignite their fire, and at that moment, the man usually becomes obedient to your will like a dog.

But He Zhilan knew she would never use this method on He Teng, not in her entire life!

Not to mention she didn't have the courage to seduce He Teng, even if she succeeded, He Teng was definitely not the kind of man that could be bossed around by her. She would probably end up completely overstretched.

In terms of physical strength, He Teng was light years ahead of her. If He Teng decided he wanted her, she would have absolutely no chance to resist or escape. So, she might never see the day when she could command He Teng.

"Brother~" He Zhilan's eyes wandered, she glanced at He Teng, and indeed, he was scrutinizing her with a discerning gaze.

"Don't you find the military life boring? There's nowhere to go, and there's not even decent food," He Teng asked.

"But you're in the army~" He Zhilan replied softly, "I'm not a three-year-old kid who needs to eat and play all the time."

This whispering delicate voice, coy and soft, made He Teng's heart soften. Was she hanging on to him? Just because he's in the army, so, even if the army life was dull, she would be willing to come here?

He Teng thought, the sensation of being sought by her wasn't so bad. When a woman acted clingy, somehow, it felt rather good.

"Let's wait until Dad agrees to it," He Teng didn't make a promise, but he didn't reject her outright either.

He Zhilan was slightly disappointed, see, the acting coy trick was indeed useless on He Teng!

He Teng was unaware of He Zhilan's inner machinations, but he hesitated to agree simply because he was concerned about He Zhilan. He was worried about He Zhilan herself, and the working environment at the restaurant she mentioned.

Considering that he might be enrolling at the capital's military school soon, He Teng decided to wait until after his training to decide whether to let He Zhilan stay in the capital for the winter break.

He Teng felt a little helpless, how useful would it be if being a soldier indeed taught something like the Mind Reading Technique? This way, he could see through He Zhilan's heart, rather than worrying blindly about things that he doesn't even know he should be worried about.

The person who said she wouldn't take a nap had already fallen asleep. When He Teng rose to his feet, He Zhilan was already fast asleep in his arms.

Her small delicate body was nestled in his arms, both her hands were wrapped around his waist and shoulder, sleeping soundly almost like a koala hugging a tree trunk.

He Teng chuckled quietly, this lady...

Looking at her sleeping face, the word "wife" sprang into his mind. His wife, the wife who started to become clingy, suddenly acted coy...sigh.