Chapter 147: About Coquetry 11_1

He Zhilan and He Teng were close to each other so they both heard the voice on the phone. She laughed and called into the phone as well, "Dad! Dongxue! It's Zhilan, I'm with my brother at his army base!"

He Zhongguo was quite startled when he heard Zhilan's voice on the phone. He Dongxue, however, reacted quickly, pulling his sleeve with excitement, "Dad, Sister Zhilan is with brother at the army base! Why did Sister Zhilan go to brother's army base?"

"Dad, Zhilan is on a National Day break, so I told her to spend a few days here at the base. She's right here. You might want to say something to her." He Teng quickly explained and then handed the phone to He Zhilan.

He Zhilan took the phone, her face all smiles, resembling a sunflower in bloom. She had been away from home for so long and deeply missed her family.

"Dad, it's me, Zhilan. Dad, do you miss me? Dongxue? Do you both miss me?"

He Zhongguo laughed heartily when he heard this, "Of course, we miss you! Dongxue talks about you every day, saying that she's not used to you being away! She wonders why you're not writing to her!"

He Zhongguo was genuinely delighted. Since He Teng took Zhilan away from home, he's been worrying about their relationship day by day, fearing that the wooden personality of Teng and the stubbornness of Zhilan may cause friction. Furthermore, with Zhilan busy with school and He Teng serving in the army, he feared that the distance might strain their relationship. But to his surprise, all his worries were unfounded. He Zhilan and He Teng were doing fine!

Listening to He Zhilan talk, He Zhongguo could tell that she was happy being with He Teng and was longing for him and Dongxue just like a little girl would. He was glad to see that their "Miss Zhilan" could now act coquettishly with her family.

"It's probably due to the distance, that's why the letter took so long to arrive. I wrote you guys quite a while ago, it should arrive any time soon!" Zhilan sighed, signifying mail was as slow as a snail.

"No worries, whether it arrives early or late, it will arrive eventually." He Zhongguo reassures, then with concern asks, "How are you doing in the capital? Are you getting accustomed to things there? Is anyone bullying you?"

A mother always worries about a child who is away from home. In the He family, there is no mother, but as a father, He Zhongguo's worries for his children are no less.

"Dad, everything's fine. My classmates are great, roommates are good too. It's a little warm in the capital during summer, but everything else is fine. Don't worry, Dad, I'm being good and everybody likes me, who would bully me? If you don't believe me, ask Brother!" He Zhilan spoke with cheerful and humorous attitude; her delight was genuine, "Dad, while we are studying and working, you shouldn't work too hard alone at home."

"Ah, how can that be possible? It's just a bit of work, it won't tire me!" He Zhongguo's voice quivered, He Zhilan had finally learnt to care for others, and that person was him.

At first, having Zhilan marry Teng, when seeing both children unhappy, made He Zhongguo regretful, considering if he should have done things differently?

Although raising Zhilan was initially to marry her to Teng, after twelve years of doing so, feelings had developed. Just like his own daughter, if the arranged marriage caused distress for the two children, how could he as a father get over the guilt?

As He Zhilan spoke to He Zhongguo on the phone, one hand holding the phone, the other playing with the cord, against the solid backdrop of He Teng's large frame. Speaking on the phone, she gradually relaxed, very contentedly leaning against He Teng as if he were the wall.