Chapter 155: Sudden Departure 2_1

"What are you brewing? I didn't come to have a cup of tea. If I were thirsty, I have plenty at home! You can stop fussing." The Political Commissar's wife smiled, "I heard from my husband that He Teng is going on a mission and will not be back for a few days, so I was worried and came to check on you."

If this happened to any other woman, with her husband dispatched away when she rarely comes to visit the troop, who wouldn't be angry? Who wouldn't feel upset?

The Political Commissar's wife was concerned that the young couple might argue over this. After all, He Zhilan and He Teng were newlyweds. They hadn't gotten used to each other's absence yet, and they were to separate again, quite unexpectedly so.

"Sister, in fact, we all understand in our hearts. While these men are our husbands, they are also soldiers. Others' husbands belong to them alone, but ours are shared with the country. So, there are times when many things leave us feeling wronged yet helpless. From another perspective, if He Teng is specifically chosen for this mission, doesn't this mean that your husband is outstanding? The capital is not too far away from here, if you like the military, why not live here during the winter break? That way you can even spend the New Year with He Teng."

The Political Commissar's wife had been through it all. She knew exactly how a woman felt in this situation. Seeing that He Zhilan was still peacefully tidying up the house even without He Teng, she felt more at ease. The relief was welcome, but she didn't skimp on the comforting words either.

"Sister Chen, I understand, don't worry. I won't pick a fight with He Teng because of this. It's just that I'm a little reluctant to let go." He Zhilan smiled faintly. She had been holding back her feelings with self-comfort, but now that the Political Commissar's wife offered her comfort, her grievance couldn't stay hidden. Her eyes turned red with the acid bitterness welled up in her heart.

But even so, He Zhilan dared not actually cry. She didn't want to cause trouble for He Teng, nor did she want him to lose face in the troop.

Her reputation in the troop wasn't good to begin with. It had only just improved a little bit after her stay for a few days. She didn't dare show the slightest hint of temper in case people misconstrued it as her throwing a tantrum, making things difficult for He Teng.

"Don't even mention reluctance; even the feeling of being wronged is inevitable. Back in the day when I had just got married, not even ten days had passed before he was assigned a mission. I remember wanting to cry so badly, but I was afraid that he would worry about me during his mission. I never shed a tear in front of him. When he was around, I'd put on a stupid wide grin even if I felt terrible inside. The moment he walked away, I would burst into tears." The Political Commissar's wife sighed deeply.

In her reincarnated life, this marriage was something He Zhilan aspired to and even admired. She knew He Teng was a soldier, and she had imagined living a life of frequent partings with him. But she didn't expect that the anguish and bitterness of separation would be so much harder to bear than she had imagined.

The Political Commissar's wife didn't intentionally make He Zhilan cry. She simply couldn't help sharing her own experiences seeing He Zhilan in this state. However, she swiftly changed the subject, telling interesting tales about the new recruits, and didn't even spare the embarrassing stories of her daughter's childhood to bring a smile on He Zhilan's face.

He Teng came to pick up He Zhilan once he was done with his arrangements. He sincerely thanked the Political Commissar's wife when he saw that she was keeping He Zhilan company, and led He Zhilan away from the guesthouse.

With one hand holding his simple luggage and the other Zhilan's belongings, He Teng occasionally looked back. He seemed worried that Zhilan might fall behind, yet his eyes were tinged with concern for her emotional well-being.