Chapter 163 Gu En's Circle 3_1

"Yes, today is my cousin's birthday. So, our target today should be him. He's now at military school and the rules there are strict. You guys often complain about not having the chance to drink with him, right? Isn't today a great opportunity? Let's get on it!" Zhou Chenyue didn't have the guts to talk to her cousin, but she had the nerve to tease Lin Deng, "Cousin, if you get drunk, cousin Hongjin and I will take responsibility for dragging you back home!"

"Come on! Anyone who doesn't drink with me today is my grandson! Since there's so many of you, if you don't get me, the birthday boy, to crawl on all fours, you're all my grandsons!" Lin Deng, full of vigor, said those words which immediately drew a whole table of people's attention. But the atmosphere, it seemed, was just right.

Zhou Chenyue was a good-hearted girl all around. Being at the same table with Zhou Hongjin and Ding Jinshi, no one dared to get her drunk. However, Gu En let himself loose, proving to be more fierce than anyone else at the table.

He Zhilan sighed inwardly. Just as she had suspected, she felt a bit out of place sitting here.

Compared to the gatherings Lin Chan had taken her to, Lin Deng's friends were younger. Maybe because of this, they were more rash in temperament.

"What's your name?"

Zhou Chenyue suddenly nudged He Zhilan, who was daydreaming.

"He Zhilan."

"I'm Zhou Chenyue! I'm Lin Deng's cousin. Next to me is my elder cousin Ding Jinshi. Our mothers and Lin Deng's mother are sisters. Next to my cousin is Zhou Hongjin. He's my cousin and is also studying at Capital University. He's a graduate student in International Relations. The one over there is Ding Long. Doesn't he look particularly unruly? Has a terribly bad mouth, huh? He's actually a veteran and is now starting his own business. As for him, I can't see the soldier in him at all. Although Lin Deng is a bit slick, when he's serious, he does have some air of a soldier."

Because of He Teng, He Zhilan had a special fondness for people in the military profession. Upon hearing that Ding Long was a veteran, He Zhilan instinctively raised her head to look at Ding Long.

Ding Long was the one who had been teasing earlier. If not for Zhou Chenyue's words, He Zhilan would never have believed that Ding Long was a veteran. The sense of privilege that radiated from Ding Long was more profound than anyone He Zhilan had ever met.

Noticing He Zhilan's gaze, Ding Long swiftly caught on and, seeing that she was looking at him, he smirked in her direction.

Because of his smile, He Zhilan was momentarily taken aback and then she shifted her gaze away. Zhou Chenyue didn't notice He Zhilan's reaction and whispered to her, "Don't take my cousin's word to heart. She's just like that. It's not that she doesn't like you, it's just that she doesn't like Gu En. And you being Gu En's roommate and coming here with her doesn't help the case."

Upon hearing this, He Zhilan thought carefully. It was no wonder that since Gu En entered, Ding Jinshi hadn't even greeted Gu En, let alone cast a glance at him.

"Didn't you grow up together? Why doesn't your cousin like Gu En?"

Regarding this question, Zhou Chenyue just shrugged, "It's all because of my cousin's ex-boyfriend."

"Did Gu En steal your cousin's ex-boyfriend?" He Zhilan was shocked. Gu En was only eighteen, right? Even though everyone's thoughts have become more open-minded nowadays, with more advocating for free love, Gu En, being so lofty, wouldn't do such a thing as a mistress, right?