Chapter 180: Unlucky to the Extreme 8_1

Seeing something flying towards her, He Zhilan instinctively raised her hand to catch it, and upon looking, she was startled. It was a red velvet box, obviously a jewelry box, and the words 'Phoenix Jewelry' were even written on it.

As she opened it, He Zhilan's hands trembled. Inside was a gold necklace, exquisitely crafted, obviously worth a considerable sum.

"I don't want it! I won't accept anything from Ding Long!" He Zhilan shoved it back at Gu En, "Return this to Ding Long for me and tell him that we are merely acquaintances. I cannot accept any gifts from him!"

"You can take gifts from Lin Chan, but why can't you accept gifts from Ding Long?" Gu En sneered, "How does Ding Long fall short compared to that madman Lin Chan?"

In He Zhilan's mind, the two were like heaven and earth, water and mud; incomparable. Ding Long did not even qualify to be compared with Lin Chan.

Silent, Gu En threw the gift onto He Zhilan's desk mockingly, "I've done enough acting as a go-between for you. Who do you think I am, some messenger or delivery boy? If you want to return it, do it yourself!"

Chen Xiting was getting more and more confused, "He Zhilan, isn't Ding Long infatuated with you at first sight?"

"Infatuated what? He already has a girlfriend!" He Zhilan explained.

At this, everyone's expression became dramatic because just now Gu En had said that Ding Long had given such a valuable and meaningful gift to Zhilan after falling for her at first sight. Everyone knew what Phoenix Jewelry symbolized when they heard the name.

At first, they were all excited and curious about this story of love at first sight, but when they heard that Ding Long already had a girlfriend from Zhilan, they were all stunned.

"So what if he has a girlfriend? His girlfriend is not as pretty as you, he broke up with her today!" Gu En scoffed.

"Any man who falls for another woman at first sight and immediately breaks up with his girlfriend is no good." Jiang Biyun spoke up, "Also, giving such a gift after meeting just once, isn't he a tad frivolous? Such a man, no matter how good others think he is, he's not right for He Zhilan."

"A bumpkin is always a bumpkin!" Gu En snorted, before turning to He Zhilan again, "Take it back yourself if you want to. Don't delude yourself into thinking I'd go running errands for you!"

"Gu En, you are downright unreasonable!" Jiang Biyun came into the argument, accusing Gu En, "What love at first sight? It's just an excuse for philandering Ding Long! He's nothing but a playboy, trying to lay a hand on our He Zhilan, in his dreams!"

"What do you think you are! Dare to say I'm unreasonable! It's not me who fell in love with He Zhilan at first sight, why blame me! If she had better control of herself, why would Ding Long fall for someone else at first sight, why her!"

"What do you mean?" He Zhilan turned pale, "Gu En, I only went out once with you and Lin Deng that day because it was Lin Deng's birthday, and I happened to meet Ding Long. How did I not have better control of myself? What did I do to make you think it was because of me that Ding Long transferred his affection to me?"

"How would I know? I'm not you, and I'm not Ding Long! Maybe you're so beautiful that he fell for you!" Gu En snapped, then climbed into her own bed, turned her back and didn't look like she'd deal with the matter anymore.

Looking at the jewelry box on the desk, He Zhilan felt like crushing it under her foot!