Chapter 182: Unlucky to the Core 10_1

He Zhilan wasn't sure if it was just her own misconception, but she felt that when she arrived at the library today, several of the senior students suddenly became quite indifferent towards her, and even seemed to isolate her. She speculated if she was overthinking it, but she noticed that whenever she passed by them, they would immediately halt their conversation and cautiously watch her until she walked away, only then would they resume their whispering.

This feeling of being isolated was very unpleasant, but He Zhilan had no option as she didn't even know why she was being marginalized.

At half-past nine, He Zhilan left the library on time to return to the dormitory. However, as she exited the dorm, she saw Zhou Hongjin coming in the direction of the library.

"Senior Zhou, why are you heading to the library this late? It's already closed," He Zhilan greeted first.

"I came specifically to find you. I'll walk you back to your dorm. There's something we need to discuss," Zhou Hongjin shook his head as he spoke, a slight frown on his face, clearly troubled.

Seeing this, He Zhilan didn't say anything and simply nodded in response.

There were still quite a few people on campus at 9:30 p.m., and the two of them walking side-by-side didn't attract any attention.

"Senior Zhou, did you look for me because something happened?" He Zhilan asked when Zhou Hongjin hadn't spoken.

Zhou Hongjin sighed, unsure of how to discuss the matter with He Zhilan. But this matter could not remain unspoken. After considering how to phrase it for a moment, Zhou Hongjin finally said, "You're aware that Ding Long has broken up with Liao, right?"

"Yes, Gu En told me last night," answered He Zhilan without hiding anything. Gu En indeed told her about it last night, but she didn't pay much attention to it as it had nothing to do with her.

"Ding Long has come to school to see you, hasn't he?" Despite his questioning tone, Zhou Hongjin's expression was convincingly affirmative.

When this was mentioned, He Zhilan became irritated, "Yes, he has!"

However, halfway through her response, He Zhilan suddenly slapped herself on the forehead in annoyance. How could she have forgotten that Zhou Hongjin also knew Ding Long? Why did she have to go to the trouble of finding Lin Deng?

"Senior Zhou, can I ask you a favor?" He Zhilan hurriedly asked, "Last night, I only found out when I returned to the dormitory that Ding Long had sent me a gold necklace through Gu En out of nowhere, which startled me. Gu En refuses to return it for me, and I don't want to have too much contact with Ding Long. Could you please help me return these things to Ding Long, and also tell him not to look for me or send me things in the future?"

"Okay, give me the necklace when we reach your dormitory and I'll pass it on for you," Zhou Hongjin immediately agreed upon hearing this, and the frown on his face eased.

He Zhilan's words couldn't have been clearer: she has no relationship with Ding Long and does not want further contact. In this case, there is no need for him to tell her about the rumors circulating in school that would only disrupt her studies.

Given time, this matter would naturally clear up.

Once Zhou Hongjin agreed to help her out, He Zhilan felt relieved. Upon reaching the dormitory, she handed over the item to Zhou Hongjin. Once he took the necklace and left, she felt as if a huge weight had been lifted.

As for Zhou Hongjin, after receiving the necklace, he left school immediately to find Ding Long.

At this time, he didn't even need to make a call to find Ding Long who was at a dance club, seemingly enjoying himself with drinks and women on both arms.