Chapter 184: Unlucky to the extreme 12_1

"He Zhilan, how about you discuss with your senior who works at the library, and let her cover your shift today, then you cover her shift tomorrow? This way, you can spend the whole day with us!" Jiang Biyun looked at He Zhilan with an expression that demanded agreement.

"I have to ask if someone is willing to do that first." After saying that, He Zhilan shrugged helplessly, "I've had this feeling lately that the seniors at the library somehow don't like me anymore~"

"Why wouldn't they like you when you work so hard? They should appreciate how much easier you've made their lives!" Chen Xiting was confused.

"Exactly, everyone loves our Zhilan, who couldn't like her?" Jiang Biyun joked. When she saw that Zhilan looked serious, Jiang Biyun also turned serious, "I thought you were getting along fine with your library colleagues, why would they suddenly dislike you?"

Seeing He Zhilan's bewildered look, Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting decided to accompany her to the library to investigate why.

The trio walked and laughed all the way to the library, their journey seemingly shortened by the laughter. However, as soon as they arrived at the library, someone crashed into them, seeming very rushed.

"He Zhilan!"

"Senior?" Zhilan responded. Before she even had time to soothe her aching arm, she was stopped by another senior who worked at the library with her. "What's wrong?"

Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting, who were about to reprimand the person who had bumped into Zhilan, stopped in their tracks. They knew the two were acquainted and saw the urgency in the senior's expression.

"Quick! Follow me to the lab building! Liao Qinghong wants to commit suicide, and she specifically asked to see you!" The senior spoke without stopping to catch her breath, and without giving He Zhilan time to respond, she immediately started to pull her.

The remaining two quickly followed. Along the way, many people were discussing Liao's supposed suicide, following the crowd to the lab building. Many people pointed at He Zhilan when they saw her. Even though their voices weren't loud, from their expressions, one could tell it wasn't pleasant talk.

Underneath the lab building, He Zhilan and her friends ran into Zhou Hongjin who had also rushed over upon hearing the news. Without a word, He Zhilan and Zhou Hongjin exchanged glances and quickly headed up the stairs.

Although the new lab building was only eight stories high, the sight of Liao Qinghong standing at the edge of the roof, sobbing and inching toward the ledge, sent fear through everyone present.

"Liao Qinghong, He Zhilan is here now, don't be stupid!" one senior pushed He Zhilan out, causing Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting to quickly catch her and even shoot a glare at the senior.

"Senior Liao, you wanted to see me, right? I'm here now. Can you come back too?" He Zhilan was confused as to why Liao Qinghong wanted to see her before attempting suicide, but she couldn't just stand by and let her die, even if she was angry at being pushed.

Upon seeing He Zhilan, the girl on the ledge cried even harder. Pointing at He Zhilan, she screamed through her tears, "He Zhilan, why did you do this? Why did you steal my boyfriend, Ding Long? He was with me! Why did you break us up? I love him, but he's leaving me because of you! No matter how much I beg him, he won't see me anymore. I hate you, He Zhilan!"