Chapter 191 Zhou Hongjin's Confession 2_1

"I see." Lin Chan nodded in understanding, mentioning Lin Deng in a tone of bitter disappointment, "There're a lot of shady characters around Lin Deng. You can trust Lin Deng, but none of the others, especially Gu En and Ding Long."

"I think the siblings Zhou Chenyue and Zhou Hongjin are pretty decent." He Zhilan muttered to herself.

Lin Chan chuckled, "Not bad, you have a discerning eye. Those two siblings are decent. Zhou Chenyue is straightforward, Zhou Hongjin is also quite stable. You can associate with them."

"What about Ding Jinshi? She helped me out the other day~" He Zhilan couldn't quite figure out Ding Jinshi, so she decided to ask Lin Chan for his perspective.

"Ding Jinshi?" Lin Chan scoffed, "Just based on the fact that Lan Li hates you, Ding Jinshi will sure hate you too! When we were still living in the big courtyard, Ding Jinshi and I were sort of enemies because of Lan Li. We couldn't stand each other. Ding Jinshi is very protective of her own. When she starts settling the score, she's relentless. So, it's better if you stay away from her."

Lin Chan laughed smugly, "Ding Jinshi and Lan Li had been together for so many years and they still ended up breaking up. Look at Ding Jinshi now. You can see how deep Lan Li hurt her. Serves her right! That's what she gets for being blind and liking someone from the Lan Family."

Listening to Lin Chan's triumph, He Zhilan added another name to the list of people Lin Chan disliked. After Gu En topped the list, Lan Li and Ding Jinshi followed.

Upon the mention of Lan Li and Ding Jinshi, Lin Chan was suddenly chatty. He thought for a moment, then burst into a sneaky laugh, "Bian Xiulin just told me that it seems she saw Lan Li at her hospital, and he seemed injured. I told Bian Xiulin to find out more about it. If Lan Li really is injured, no matter how busy I am, I'll have my secretary buy a 10,000-firecracker salute and set it off outside his hospital room to celebrate for half an hour. Justice is served~"

Maybe it was because he laughed too hard, Lin Chan's voice even trembled when he spoke. Hearing this, He Zhilan couldn't help but giggled softly. Clearly, Lin Chan really hated Lan Li.

But the thought of Lan Li coming back injured had He Zhilan worried. "Lin Chan, Lan Li went on the mission with He Teng this time. They were partners. If Lan Li is injured, what about He Teng? He's okay, right?"

"Such a coincidence?" Lin Chan's smile immediately disappeared. He Zhilan was worrying for her husband, if he keeps laughing, he'd look heartless, "Bian Xiulin only said that it seemed like she saw Lan Li, she wasn't sure. However, if your husband is injured to the extent of needing hospitalisation, the military would definitely notify you, his wife."

"That's right." He Zhilan thought and felt that Lin Chan made sense, her suspended heart eased back down.

"I guess Lan Li's injury must be divine justice. Your husband who is so kind will definitely be fine." Despite everything, Lin Chan couldn't help but add insult to injury. If it weren't for the amount of work at his side, he might have had a long phone call with He Zhilan in the afternoon, laughing at Lan Li.

Whether Lan Li was injured or not was none of He Zhilan's concern. The time Chen Zheng's commission mentioned had passed, so Lan Li was probably back in the capital and in the hospital. He Zhilan wondered if this meant that He Teng's mission was already over? And if that meant He Teng would be able to call her soon?