Chapter 199: The 4_1 She Doesn't Know

He Zhilan nodded politely to Lan Li, remained silent and pushed the door into He Teng's ward. He Teng was still asleep, and she moved lightly as she arranged things in the room. Only after she was done did she leave the ward to find a nurse, intending to inquire about things family members need to pay attention to while caring for patients.

"He Zhilan." Lan Li had been standing at the door all this time and called out to stop her when he saw her coming out again.

"Major Lan, what can I do for you?" He Zhilan pocketed her notebook and pen and turned to Lan Li.

Lan Li knew that He Teng had insisted on not informing his family, so he was somewhat surprised to see He Zhilan coming to the hospital with her things. Furthermore, it was evident that He Zhilan had been crying, so he was even more taken aback that a young girl of only 18 years old could control herself and not bawl loudly, waking up the patient in the ward.

He knew his own mother, after learning of his injury, had cried all the way to the hospital, unable to be talked down. Upon reaching his ward, she would practically throw herself onto him, acting like she was in some tragic farewell scene of a play.

Recalling his thoughts, Lan Li took his eyes off He Zhilan and spoke up. "He Teng's injury is my fault. If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell me."

"Thank you, but no need." He Zhilan was irked to learn that He Teng was injured because of Lan Li. She thanked him coldly and turned away.

Even though she didn't understand why He Teng was hurt because of Lan Li, and no less, so seriously, He Zhilan would not demean herself by asking for help from someone who looked down on her.

Upon learning that He Zhilan was He Teng's wife, the nurses treated her exceptionally well, patiently explaining over and over again the things that she needs to pay attention to when looking after a patient. They even wrote out instructions for her on a piece of paper.

It was only after transcribing all the content from the paper that He Zhilan left the nurses' station. By the time she got back to the ward, He Teng was awake though not entirely lucid.

Probably hearing the door, He Teng's gaze turned toward it. Upon seeing He Zhilan come in, his brow furrowed slightly.

"Awake already?" Seeing this, He Zhilan was delighted and made her way toward the hospital bed.

If it weren't for He Zhilan's voice sounding so real at the doorway, He Teng would have surmised himself hallucinating. He had made it clear that he didn't want to contact the family, so why would He Zhilan be in the hospital instead of attending school?

"Why are you here?" was the question He Teng asked. Speaking made the oxygen mask uncomfortable, so he tried to remove it. The act marked He Zhilan white with fear.

"There must be a reason why the doctor made you wear it! Why're you taking it off! The nurse even said, you have to talk less and rest more!" He Zhilan put the oxygen mask back on He Teng, and then gave him a reproachful glare. She had never seen such an unaware patient! The physician hadn't given the okay to remove the oxygen mask, yet he tried to do just that, not even afraid that he might suffocate!

Seeing He Teng's displeased grimace, He Zhilan pouted, "No matter how much you dislike it, you'll have to endure. It's for your own good! Just because you're in the hospital doesn't mean I can't be here! You had such a serious incident but didn't want to worry dad and Dongxue and not telling even me while knowing I'm there in the capital. Do you think it's so insignificant that I, your wife, only need to be notified after you die and be covered with the national flag? Ugh, ignore that! Bad luck!"