Chapter 201: The 6_1 She Doesn't Know

"Thank you!" He Zhilan didn't put on too many airs. He Teng was indeed severely injured this time and needed good nutrition to recover. However, the lack of a kitchen was her biggest problem. Since Muhe had already said as much, it would be inappropriate for her to refuse any further.

Muhe brushed off her gratitude and looked at He Teng's scrutinizing gaze. He gave a small laugh and explained, "Xing Ye and I are good friends, and your wife is acquainted with us. Don't worry."

Upon hearing Xing Ye's name, He Teng's brows relaxed slightly. After all, he and Zhilan had no relatives in the capital. A doctor's kindness to them would naturally raise suspicions for a man as cautious as him.

Zhilan glanced at He Teng lying in the hospital bed and then at the caregivers waiting outside. Lowering her voice, she said, "Brother Muhe, I think we should replace the caregiver with a female one. I'm not being sexist, but don't you think women tend to be more attentive when caring for others?"

Before Muhe could respond, He Teng on the bed called out Zhilan's name to stop her.

Muhe chuckled lightly, pointing to He Teng lying on the bed. "That was his request. If you want to change, you can discuss it with him. I have to go now. When you return to school, let the caregiver come in to take care of your husband."

With that, Muhe exited the room, thinking to himself how amusing He Teng was. Despite being a grown man, he was shy!

Zhilan wasn't merely speaking empty words about wanting to change the male caregiver for a female one. As soon as Muhe left, she turned to He Teng, asking him with her eyes if he agreed to a female caregiver. She was worried that a man's carelessness could overlook some details in He Teng's care.

He Teng felt a persistent throbbing in his temple, and could only think of one phrase: Stupid Zhilan!

So upon seeing Zhilan's inquiring gaze, he ignored her, deliberately moving his face away as though he hadn't seen her at all.

"If you don't say anything, I'll assume you agree~" Zhilan batted her eyelashes at him, wondering if he was angry.

"Don't change!" He Teng immediately responded, "A female caregiver would be inconvenient for certain things!"

Zhilan blinked, puzzled. "What would be inconvenient?" Seeing He Teng furrowing his brows and glaring fiercely at her, as if he wanted to strangle her, she finally understood.

At this point, it dawned on Zhilan. He Teng couldn't get out of bed now, so his bodily functions needed help to manage.

When Zhilan figured out why He Teng didn't want a female caregiver, she found it rather amusing. She pulled a chair over to sit by his bed, raised her eyebrows at him, and suggested, "How about a much older female caregiver? A lady in her fifties should be okay, right?"

"No need," He Teng's voice was stiff.

Looking at He Teng's expression, Zhilan was holding back her laughter. She propped her chin on her hands and looked straight at He Teng, then slowly asked, "Brother, are you shy?"

"He Zhilan," He Teng suddenly called her by her full name, "Did you eat a lion's heart on your way here?"

He's angry!

Zhilan chuckled, realizing that He Teng was genuinely angry this time!

If Zhilan hadn't plucked up her courage, how would she dare to joke around with him?

Zhilan had never dared to make He Teng angry in the past. This was the first time she had dared to provoke him so blatantly. Strangely enough, a flustered and furious He Teng was rather charming!