Chapter 203: The 8_1 She Doesn't Know

"Bro, your comrades from the army are here to visit you." Seeing He Teng open his eyes, He Zhilan stepped aside, allowing his comrades to come forward. Kang Xing's loud voice amused Zhilan so much that she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Squad leader, why did you leave standing tall and return on your back? The doctor just said that you'll need at least three months to recover before returning to training. A lot of us envy you, you know!"

"Envy your ghost!" Niu Rang gave Kang Xing a contemptuous look, secretly thinking, is this guy a fool? Who'd envy someone who's suffered so much injury?

Feeling mocked, Kang Xing touched the tip of his nose, muttering, "I was just trying to lighten the mood, worrying that sister-in-law would feel bad seeing squad leader like this." He then approached He Zhilan, excitedly saying, "Sister-in-law, do you know? Our Squad Leader He displayed great bravery this time. Although two people were injured in the process, the mission was still excellently completed. The team has awarded our squad leader a first-class merit!"

Whether or not it was a first-class merit, Zhilan was in no mood to rejoice. If he had come out of it unscathed, she would have been delighted for He Teng. However, he had suffered so much for it, the price for this merit was just too high.

To go back to training in just three months, He Teng would have to be in his best condition, not taking into account the worst-case scenario the doctors had foreseen.

Nevertheless, even though her heart was not in it, He Zhilan did not let it show on her face. She smiled at the two of them, then said she was going off to wash fruits for everyone. She asked them to stay in the ward with He Teng for a while.

At this time, fruits were a luxury. He Zhilan took the whole bag of fruits Lin Chan had brought, washed them, and offered them to He Teng's comrades. But not a single one was accepted. Understanding the He family's predicament, they all hoped that He Teng could have more and replenish his strength.

They were all sincere. Being in the same army unit, everyone was breadwinners for their families, with little salaries. They could not help He Teng much, nor did they feel right taking his things.

Chen Zheng and the others stayed in the ward for a while. Knowing that He Teng needed rest, they did not disturb him too much and soon left the ward with their group.

"Commissioner Chen, let me see you out." He Zhilan stood up. Chen Zheng had something to say to Zhilan, so he did not refuse.

Only when they reached the stairway did Chen Zheng tell the younger ones to wait downstairs. He spoke alone with He Zhilan.

"Young lady, please feel free to let me know if you need anything during this period. I will do my best to communicate with the troop and assist you and your husband as much as possible. Also, accept this modest gift. It is a small token of our respect from us in the troop, please do not refuse."

It wasn't a lot. Everyone who could chip in had done so, including those who were close to He Teng, and a few high ranks in his platoon.

Zhilan couldn't refuse and reluctantly accepted it, thinking that she must tell He Teng about this. Of all the social obligations and reciprocations, He Teng might not be very meticulous, but she had to remember. In the future, they needed to return the favor.

"He Teng enlisted when he was only fifteen. Initially, he didn't have to go on missions. But later on, he suffered various injuries from different missions. He often teamed up with Lan Li and even once took a bullet for him, bringing him back from the brink of death. Aside from that incident, he's endured numerous injuries, big and small. He Teng is straightforward and never bothered his family with any news from the frontlines. He bore it all by himself. Whenever he was injured, he would simply ask the doctor two questions: the best- and worst-case scenarios. And this time was no exception. I just visited his doctor and learned about his condition. I'm afraid you'll have to comfort and support him more during this time, dear. Even in the worst-case scenario, given his distinguished military service and tenure, I assure you the army won't abandon him."