Chapter 208 Crazy Woman, Mother Liao_1

But obviously, He Zhilan did not have the courage to jest at this moment, even though He Teng was silently looking at her with a wry smile. It seemed his mood had lightened considerably.

He Zhilan's hair was soft, nestled in his palm, making He Teng's palm feel itchy. He moved his palm slightly but it felt more like he was gently caressing her face.

"Brother, you have to get better quickly," He Zhilan murmured quietly, her eyes reflecting his smiling face, his hard facial lines softened a touch.

She cooed like a kitten in his palm. He murmured a low 'hmm' in response to her wishes. Her hopes were his hopes too. Only when he recovers quickly, can she relax a little.

A faint warmth seemed to envelop the pair, a miraculous warmth that could penetrate the heart and provoke a sense of coziness.

However, it seemed the gods were wary of such a good atmosphere. The ward door was abruptly opened, with the sound of the door banging, the startled pair inside the ward turned towards the door.

"Who is it?" He Zhilan was alarmed, she got up to look towards the entrance only to see a robust middle-aged woman already in front of her. Without waiting for her to react, the woman had already raised her hand and landed a slap on her face.

The crisp sound echoed again in the ward, and He Zhilan's face quickly turned swollen with the imprint of the slap.

The woman seemed not to have vented enough. She held He Zhilan's hand and tried to slap her again, only to be dodged by the now-alert He Zhilan. As the woman chased after her, she started cursing, "I'll kill you, you fox, for seducing Qinghong's boyfriend, for making Qinghong jump from a building to commit suicide! I'll squash you, you slut, so young and instead of learning good deeds, you're imitating the floozies, you're seducing other people's boyfriends! You fox, I'll kill you! My poor daughter is half-dead because of you, she can't even go back to school, why should you be fine here?"

He Zhilan was struggling to dodge, she was a pampered girl who had not done much physical work since childhood. She raised her hand in defense, only to be scratched several times by the woman. Then, hearing the woman's words, she finally realized, this was Liao's mother.

"You crazy woman! What happened between Liao and Ding Long has nothing to do with me! How can you beat me up for no reason!"

"If not for you, how could Ding Long leave my daughter? My daughter barely managed to hook a golden bachelor, and you stole him away. You fox! You home wrecker!"

The woman grabbed both of He Zhilan's hands with one hand, and raised her other hand to strike He Zhilan on the head. He Teng, who was lying on the bed, bit his lip and propped himself up with some difficulty. He reached out and pulled He Zhilan over, and then stood up, shaking slightly, he shielded He Zhilan behind him.

"Get out!"

A roar that seemed to shake the whole floor.

His menacing aura was fully displayed with this roar. The middle-aged woman immediately froze, her raised hand suspended in mid-air, not daring to proceed further.

Twelve years in the military, through storm and rain, his hands stained with the blood of countless criminals, even life itself. His fierceness, imbued with killing intent, even startled the woman behind him.